
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liudanfeng
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开展课外阅读是新课程理念下开放式语文教育不可缺少的组成部分,是切实提高学生语文能力的重要途径。那么如何用新课程的理念来进行课外阅读呢?一、营造自主、投入、清醒的阅读氛围每个身心发展正常的学生,都有与生俱来的求知欲望,让学生喜欢课外阅读并非难事,问题是绝大部分的初中学生只是把课外阅读当作是一种消遣调剂,而有一部分的教师、家长把课外阅读看作是提高考分的一种手段,这样的阅读就难以发挥书本应有的作用,体现出阅读的力量。在实践中,笔者发现选择一个合适的时间、地点,让学生初尝自主阅读的乐趣,感受阅读的魅力这一环节非常重要。我们可以抓住学生对机械的抄写、无聊的练习深恶痛绝这一心理,在经过必要的准备以后,尝试在本该进行的语文训练或考试中宣布到阅览室去读自己喜欢的书,请要求学生把感兴趣的内容 Carrying out extracurricular reading is an indispensable part of open language education under the new curriculum concept and an important way to effectively improve students’ language proficiency. So how to use the concept of the new curriculum for extra-curricular reading? First, to create an independent, input, a clear reading atmosphere Every normal physical and mental development of students, have an innate desire to learn, so that students like extra-curricular reading is not difficult, The problem is that the vast majority of junior high school students only regard extra-curricular reading as a type of recreation and dismissal. Some teachers and parents regard extra-curricular reading as a means of improving their marks for examination. Such readings make it difficult to bring books into full play Role, reflecting the power of reading. In practice, I found it very important to choose an appropriate time and place for students to taste the pleasure of reading independently and to feel the charm of reading. We can seize the student’s mechanical transcription, boring practice abhorrence of this mentality, after the necessary preparations, try to be in the language training or examination should be announced to the reading room to read your favorite books, please ask students Put the content of interest
教学内容:义务教育课程标准试验教科书(北师大版)第八册第71页~72页。教学目标:1.知道小数四则混合运算的顺序和整数四 Teaching content: compulsory education curriculum
0023北京新世界中心 0023 Beijing New World Center
整式乘法的考点主要有以下几种类型: 一、基本运算型例1 化简x(y-x)-y(x-y)得( ) (A)x2-y2 (B)-x2-y2 (C)y2-x2 (D)2xy 解:原式=xy-x2-xy+y2 =y2-x2. 故应选(C). 评注:同学易