
来源 :中国党政干部论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxcfs
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党的十七大报告提出,要在社会主义市场经济条件下“优化组织设置,扩大组织覆盖,创新活动方式,充分发挥基层党组织推动发展、服务群众、凝聚人心、促进和谐的作用”。近年来,农民专业合作社迅猛发展,过去那种以“村支部与村委会兼容统一”发挥党组织作用的方式,已经无法适应新形势的要求。如何顺应发展,转变功能,真正有效地发挥基层党组织的作用,是当前迫切需要解决的大问题。在这方面,许多地区根据本地的实际进行了积极探索和大胆实践,并取得了可喜成果。为了研究其普遍而深刻的意义,日前,中央党校党建教研部与中共盐城市委组织部联合召开了“党支部+合作社”理论研讨会。会后,我们特约有关专家学者从“党支部+合作社”这种基层组织形式的创新意义入手,深入探讨了在推进农村经济社会发展过程中如何有效发挥基层党组织核心作用的问题。由此形成这组笔谈,以飨读者。 The report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to “optimize the organizational setup, expand the organizational coverage and innovate the ways of activities under the conditions of a socialist market economy, give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations in promoting development, serving the people, cohesion and harmony.” “ . In recent years, the farmer specialized cooperatives have developed rapidly. In the past, the method of giving play to the role of the party organization by ”unifying the village branches and village committees“ has become incapable of meeting the requirements of the new situation. How to adapt to development, change functions and truly play the role of grass-roots party organizations is a major issue urgently needed to be resolved. In this regard, many regions have conducted active exploration and bold practice in accordance with their local conditions and have achieved gratifying results. In order to study its general and profound significance, a few days ago, the Party School of the Central Party School and the Organization Department of the CPC Yancheng Municipal Party Committee jointly convened the ”Party Branch + Cooperatives“ theory seminar. After the conference, experts and scholars from special departments started with the innovative significance of the form of grassroots organizations such as ”party branch + cooperatives" and discussed in depth the issue of how to effectively play the core role of grass-roots party organizations in promoting rural economic and social development. The formation of this set of writing to readers.