
来源 :当代医师杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eponvlan
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本文对212例孕12~20周、年龄20~43岁的普通孕妇进行上述三项标记的检测,对可能影响检测结果的因素进行了分析。检测结果采用风险率的形式报告。最后结果显示:1、3项指标与孕周量呈明显的线性关系,故在分析检测结果前必须明确实际孕周大小。2、3项指标与孕妇体重有关,在一定范围内其变化有显著差异。2、被动吸烟与不吸烟对3项检测指标的影响无显著差异。4、所有经检测阴性的孕妇中其出生的胎儿均未发现染色体异常。检测中发现4例假阳性,假阳性率为2%。5、大部分高龄孕妇经检测筛选其风险都明显低干其原有的年龄风险。结论:本项检测适宜广泛开展,可大大降低高危人群中需作羊水检查人数的比例。在优生优育工作中发挥重要作用。 In this paper, 212 pregnant women of 12 to 20 weeks pregnant, aged 20 to 43 years of common pregnant women were tested for the above three markers, the factors that may affect the test results were analyzed. The test results are reported in the form of risk rates. The final results show that: 1, 3 indicators and gestational weeks showed a significant linear relationship, it is necessary to determine the actual gestational age before analyzing the test results. The indexes of 2 and 3 are related to the weight of pregnant women, and there are significant differences in the changes within a certain range. 2, passive smoking and non-smoking on the three test indicators no significant difference. 4, all tested negative pregnant women in their born fetus found no chromosomal abnormalities. Four false positives were detected in the test, and the false positive rate was 2%. 5, most of the older pregnant women were significantly lower the risk of testing and screening its original age risk. Conclusion: This test is suitable for a wide range of applications, can greatly reduce the proportion of people at risk for checking the number of amniotic fluid. In the prenatal and postnatal care play an important role.
50年前,Carl Muller(1939)首次综合性地描述了家族性高胆固醇血症,证实这种病属于显性遗传,伴发早发性冠心病。这种先天性缺陷约占群体的1/500,现在已经清楚是由于细胞表面
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