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城市经营门面销售看好 近年来,房地产市场一直不太景气,尽管有关部门发布的景气指数有所好转,但空置房却并不见减少,反而呈现上升趋势。在房地产处境艰难的大背景下,时下却出现了一种新的现象,即许多市民开始盯住房地产开发商开发的经营门面,并不惜巨资选购,从而使经营门面的销售开始红红火火。据湖南的《湘声报》报道,一开发商在长沙市中心开发的房产其经营门面的销售,每平方米的要价高达3.5万元,竟销得特快,连负责这一项目开发的房地产商都十分惊诧。在大城市出现的经营门面出售热中,一些中小城市也涌动这一热潮。在衡阳市,笔者在采访一位房地 In recent years, the real estate market has not been very prosperous. Although the sentiment index released by the relevant departments has been somewhat improved, vacant rooms have seen no decrease, but have shown an upward trend. Against the backdrop of a difficult real estate situation, a new phenomenon nowadays arises in that many people are beginning to look at the management facades developed by real estate developers and have made great efforts to purchase them. As a result, the sales of operating facades are booming . According to Hunan’s “Xiang Sheng Bao” reported that the developer of a real estate development center in Changsha, the sales of its business facade, the asking price of up to 35,000 yuan per square meter, actually sold Express, even responsible for the development of this project real estate developers are Very surprised. The emergence of operating facades in major cities is on the rise, and some small and medium-sized cities are also surging in this boom. In Hengyang, I interviewed a place
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我们永远不会忘记,1979年7月11日至16日,德高望重、深受全国人民爱戴的邓小平同志,在再度复出担任党和国家领导职务不 We will never forget that Comrade Deng Xiaoping, h