
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arigadordor
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江汉石油管理局是中国石油天然气总公司直属的大型综合石油企业,现有职工和家属11.3万人,其中全民职工5.7万人,集体职工1.8万人,离退休职工1.1万人.经过三十多年的建设和发展,现已形成以油气勘探开发为主,机械制造、油盐化工、集体经济和第三产业蓬勃发展的格局.今年,我局列全国国有企业500强第86位.我于1986年开始担任江汉石油管理局党委书记,1992年底兼任局长职务.作为一名党政职务“一肩挑”的企业领导,如何处理好同工会的关系,我的体会是:一、明确身份,把握特点,在工作中注意摆正位置企业党政职务分设时,党政工的关系是十分明晰的.从党委的角度讲,与工会的关系是一种领导与被领导的关系;从行政的角度讲,是一种合作的伙伴关系.党政“一肩挑”之后,两个职务集于一身,既是党委书记,又是行政负责人.一个人,两种身份,在处理具体问题时,往往需要经常转换角色.如果对这种特殊性认识不足、定位不准、处理不当,就容易产生矛盾,影响工作.因此,在对工会关系的处理上,要针对不同的情况,根据不同的任务,该代表党委就代表党委,该代表行政就代表行政,正确行使好职权.在行使党委书记职权时,对工会工作加强领导,在政治上把关定向,并形成一套专门的工作制度加以落实.我们的做法是坚 Jianghan Petroleum Administration is a large-scale integrated petroleum enterprise directly under the China National Petroleum Corporation, with 113,000 employees and 57,000 employees, including 18,000 employees and 18,000 employees and 11,000 retired employees. The construction and development of the year have now formed a pattern of vigorous development in the areas of oil and gas exploration and development, machinery manufacturing, oil chemical industry, collective economy and the tertiary industry. This year, I ranked 86th among the top 500 state-owned enterprises in China. Since 1986, he has served as party secretary of Jianghan Petroleum Administration and served as director of the bureau at the end of 1992. As a party leader with a shoulder to shoulder business leadership, how to deal with the relationship with the trade unions, my experience is: First, a clear identity, Grasping the characteristics of the position in the work of enterprises and pay attention to put the correct position, the relationship between the party and government workers is very clear.From the party committee’s point of view, the relationship with the trade union is a kind of leadership and be led by the relationship; from the administrative Point of view, is a partnership of cooperation.After party and government “one shoulder and one shoulder pick”, the two positions set in one, both party secretary, but also the chief executive.One person, two identities, in dealing with specific issues, often It is easy to have contradictions and affect the work if we do not know enough about this particularity, if we do not know the proper position and handle it properly, we should deal with the relationship between the trade unions according to different situations and according to different tasks, When representing the party committee secretary, the party committee should act on behalf of the party committee and delegate administration and properly exercise its powers. When exercising the authority of the party committee secretary, the party committee should strengthen its leadership over the work of the union, make political orientation and form a set of special working systems to be implemented. The practice is firm
大多数朋友认识茉莉花都是从两方面开始的,一个是歌,一个是诗。  “好一朵美丽的茉莉花,芬芳美丽满枝桠,又香又白人人夸……”,正是这首中国特色民歌,让茉莉花成为中国人最熟悉的植物。再泡上一杯茉莉花茶,让清新的花香氤氲开来,直到芬芳挤满房间的每一个角落。  茉莉花的香气早已浸润到我们的生活之中,也难怪很多朋友认为茉莉花就是中国原产的植物。但有趣的是,茉莉花并非中国原产,而茉莉花茶也更非自古有之。那么这