四十春秋有业绩 统计改革无古人——政府统计机构成立四十周年纪念

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在深入学习邓小平南巡重要谈话精神的热潮中,迎来了政府统计机构成立四十周年大庆,作为一名统计工作者,不由心潮起伏,浮想联翩。早在远古时代,中华民族有了计数便有了统计。经过多少代炎黄子孙的智慧积累,统计在历史上也有过夺目的光彩。但直至新中国诞生之时,国民党政府並未给统计留下一些有价值的东西。新中国给统计工作注入新的生命力。1952年8月,中央人民政府统计局成立,统计开始由分散的、地区性的统计工作,逐步发展为统一的、日趋充实的全国规模的统计工作;由没有专职统计机构和缺乏统计人才,逐步有了日趋健全的,自上而下的统计机构和掌握了统计理论与统计 In the craze to further study Deng Xiaoping’s important talk in the southern tour, ushered in the festive anniversary of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the government statistical agency. As a statistician, he could not help but think of an ups and downs of imagination. As early as ancient times, the Chinese nation had statistics for counting. After generations of wisdom accumulated by the grandson of the progeny, the statistics have also had a remarkable glory in history. But it was not until the birth of New China that the Kuomintang government left some merit to the statistics. New China Bring New Vitality to Statistical Work. August 1952, the Central People’s Government Bureau of Statistics was established, the statistics began from decentralized, regional statistics, and gradually developed into a unified, increasingly enriching the national statistical work; without a full-time statistical agencies and the lack of statistical personnel, and gradually With a growing body of top-down statistical agencies and mastery of statistical theory and statistics
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