
来源 :真空与低温 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gfdsa008
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《真空与低温》是航天部510所主办的兼顾普及的中级技术刊物。面向全国。季刊,每季度第三月出版。本刊坚持四项基本原则,为国民经济发展服务。贯彻执行理论与实践相结合,普及与提高相结合,“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,开展学术交流,促进我国真空与低温科学技术的发展,为实现四个现代化服务。报道内容主要介绍国内外真空与低温的发展现状和趋势;介绍与之有关的新设备、新工艺、新材料、新途径;着重反映真空与低温这两门学科在现代科学技术中的结合与渗透, “Vacuum and Low Temperature” is a mid-level technical publication sponsored by the Ministry of Space Affairs. Facing the country. Quarterly, published quarterly in March. Articles adhere to the four basic principles for the development of national economy. Carry out the principle of combining theory with practice, popularizing and improving, “letting a hundred flowers bloom, and a hundred schools of thought contend,” carry out academic exchanges, promote the development of China’s vacuum and low-temperature science and technology, and serve the four modernizations. The content of the report mainly introduces the current situation and trend of the development of vacuum and low temperature at home and abroad. It introduces the new equipment, new technology, new materials and new ways related to it. It highlights the combination and penetration of the two disciplines, vacuum and low temperature, in modern science and technology ,
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