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企业报不归属于政治性党报,但同样具有舆论监督作用。近年来,《新金山报》在新闻改革中,从石化总厂实际出发,探索进行舆论监督的路子,有所成效。关于职工家属公房分配问题的宣传报道就是其中成功的一例。十多年来,我厂各项事业发展迅猛,住宅也日趋紧张。去年下半年,总厂决定先行分配(包括调整)一批住房。消息传出,广大职工翘首以待。为克服、缓解分房工作中的弊端与矛盾,厂里在广泛征求意见和反复研究的基础上制定了《石化地区家属公房分配规定》,并经总厂职代会联席会议通过试行。 Corporate newspaper does not belong to the political party newspaper, but also has the role of public opinion. In recent years, the “new Jinshan Newspaper” in the news reform, starting from the actual Petrochemical Plant, explore the ways of supervision of public opinion, some results. Publicity about the allocation of public housing for the families of their employees is one example of this success. More than a decade, I plant rapid development of various undertakings, housing is also increasingly tense. The second half of last year, the plant decided to first distribution (including the adjustment) a number of housing. News, the majority of workers waiting. In order to overcome and alleviate the drawbacks and contradictions in the work of housing distribution, the factory formulated the Regulations on the Distribution of Public Houses for Families in Petrified Areas on the basis of extensive solicitation of opinions and repeated research and passed the trial implementation by the joint meeting of the workers’ congress of the general factory.
Ocular artifacts cause the main interfering signals within electroencephalogram (EEG) signal measurements. An adaptive filter based on reference signals from an
We propose a heterogeneous, mid-level feature based method for recognizing natural scene categories. The proposed feature introduces spatial information among t
该研究以棉属(Gossypium)中的草棉(G.herbaceum L.)、亚洲棉(G.arboreum L.)、陆地棉(G.hirsutum L.)和海岛棉(G.baradense L.)四个栽培种的21个品种的种子和3个陆地棉品
新发现的玉米雄性不育基因ms 前人已用B-A易位系定位到第4染色体上,该研究采用RFLP及RAPD方法对其进行分子标记定位研究.以6960(ms ms )为母本与自交系中黄17(MsMs)配制的回