狠挖设备潜力 降低生产成本

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挖潜降耗、控制成本一直是鄂钢烧结分厂的重点工作,1996年节约生产成本1130万元,其中在设备降耗方面,重点抓了以下几点。 1.严格控制检修项目的外委费用。要求外委的项目一要设备科审查,二要设备厂长签字同意,三要严格组织验收和费用结算。因此,1996年比1995年外委费用下降了100多万元。 2.坚持备件和材料库存定额管理。根据公司有关部门下达的备件和材料库存定额,严格把好进物验收关,规定必须有三人以上签字手续。备件和材料做到计划定量库存,不得突破定额。 3.对分厂范围内运输皮带全部实行承包考核。在承包使用期内,超过使用期限的有奖,否则扣款。通过对皮带的单项考核,分厂运输皮带在原来基础上有较大幅度下降,1996年比1995年节约皮带近2000米,仅此一项就节约成本近百万元。 Digging submarine, reducing consumption, and controlling costs have been the key tasks of the Egang Sintering Plant. In 1996, the production cost was saved by 11.3 million yuan, of which the following points were focused on the reduction of equipment consumption. 1. Strictly control the outsourcing costs of maintenance projects. The project of the external committee must be reviewed by the equipment department, the plant manager must sign and agree, and the third must strictly organize inspections and settlement of expenses. Therefore, the cost of the foreign committee in 1996 exceeded that of 1995 by more than RMB 1 million. 2. Insist on spare parts and material inventory quota management. According to the quotas of spare parts and material stocks issued by the relevant departments of the company, strict acceptance of good imports is required, and there must be three or more signing procedures. Spare parts and materials do plan to quantify stocks and must not break the quota. 3. All contracted transport belts within the factory are subject to contract assessment. During the period of use of the contract, prizes exceeding the period of use shall be paid, or the funds shall be deducted. Through the individual assessment of the belts, the belts for branch transportation have been greatly reduced on the original basis. In 1996, nearly 2000 meters of belts were saved in 1995, and this alone saved costs by nearly one million yuan.
据外刊报道,斯里兰卡某企业家已经和一个印度尼西亚厂商合作,帮助印度尼西亚在国际市场销售其活性碳。根据协议,斯里兰卡方面购买印度尼西亚中爪哇岛所产的 According to f
陆一鸣是市电视台一档娱乐节目的主持人,以其随和亲切的风格,深受观众喜爱,粉丝众多。  这一天,陆一鸣受邀为一家大型商场主持开业庆典,仪式刚要开始,突然接到妻子陈雪菲打来的电话,说他母亲不见了。  陆一鸣正忙着背台词,叮嘱妻子两句便走上了舞台。  转眼两个小时过去,刚刚从仪式结束中抽身出来的陆一鸣突然想起了妻子那个电话,连忙打电话过去,陈雪菲又急又怨,说母亲还是没找到,让他赶紧回去拿主意。陆一鸣再也