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由Emerson电子公司研制的以微处理机为基础的声学分析系统,加拿大武装部队正准备将其装于反潜直升机上(ASW),进行扩大操纵和技术评价。 该部件的核心,是一个模件化的用户可编程微处理机。该产品大约在4年前由工业公司投资研究和试制,主处理机还可用于机软雷达和电子对抗/电子智能系统中去。 广阔的应用 ASW结构适用于直升机,固定翼飞机,舰船或岸基设备的通用系列。 该系统定名为Calypso,这个名字是来自希腊神话,也可理解为来自“Computerized Acoustic analysis processor”的近似缩写。 据Emerson的官员说,Calypso可以改变潜艇战威胁的性质,随着苏联潜艇的迅速增长和发展了噪音更低,迅速更快和下潜更深的作战能力,要求发展先进的多传感器显示器,这种显示器具有复益频带宽,分辨率高,通道数多等优点。 Emerson认为“美国在ASW中有一个优点,因为别人的平台有噪声,而我们的都是无噪声的”。 ASW计划有五项任务:探测、定位、分类、跟踪和产生火控解算。因为我们需要在所有时间里注视着所有方向,所以需要提供多浮标用的多通道。 Calypso多路处理机被设计成能提供32个通道的结构,如果增加元件还可以增加处 Developed by Emerson Electronics microprocessor-based acoustic analysis system, the Canadian Armed Forces is preparing to be mounted on anti-submarine helicopters (ASW), for extended operation and technical evaluation. At the heart of the unit is a modular, user-programmable microprocessor. The product was invested in research and trial production by industrial companies about 4 years ago. The main processor can also be used in the machine-soft radar and electronic warfare / electronic intelligence systems. Wide Application The ASW structure is suitable for use in the general family of helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, ships or shore-based equipment. The system is named Calypso, the name comes from the Greek mythology, can also be understood as derived from “Computerized Acoustic analysis processor” approximate abbreviations. According to Emerson officials, Calypso can change the nature of the submarine war threat, and with the rapid growth of the Soviet submarine and the development of lower noise, faster and faster dive and deeper combat capabilities, the development of advanced multi-sensor displays is required Display with complex frequency bandwidth, high resolution, the number of channels and more. Emerson believes that “the United States has an advantage in ASW because of the noise of other people’s platforms and all of us are noiseless.” The ASW program has five tasks: probing, locating, classifying, tracking and generating fire control solutions. Because we need to look at all the directions at all times, we need to provide multichannel for multi-buoys. Calypso multi-channel processor is designed to provide 32-channel structure, if additional components can also be added
为了便于領导全国水土保持工作的开展,经1957年5月24日国务院全体会議第49次会議决定成立全国水土保持委員会,并且通过任命了它的組成人員。特此通知。 In order to facili
本文简要地介绍机载数据总线电缆传输系统中各部件的设计思想,分析了噪声对误码率的影响,列出了系统指标的测试方法,本设计的依据是MLD-STD-1553B。 This paper briefly int