
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuyun99a55
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很多朋友问我,“你是什么民族?”我说,“我是水族。”问:“水族,是不是一个靠水而居的民族,水族的女子,是不是特别美丽?”水族,是一个能歌善舞、民风质朴的民族,也是一个勤劳勇敢、具有悠久历史和文化的民族。许多朋友也许会顾名思义,以为水族就是靠水而居的民族,其实水族的名字,来源于水语(当地人称之为水话)的音译“睢”。水族,现在约有40万人口,其中20多万居住在贵州省三都县境内。早在1956年9月11日,国务院第37次会议就把三都设置为中国唯一的三都水族自治县。水族,是我国既有本民族语言,也有本民族文字的21个民族之一。水族人在世世代代的生产和生活实践中,创造了灿烂的水族文化。拥有自己的民族语言——水语,时至今日它还是水族交流思想的工具;她那充满神奇色彩的水族古文字及其用水族文字书写而成的水书被誉为“中国象形文字活化石”。 Many of my friends asked me, “What is your nationality?” “I said,” “I am an aquarium.” Q: “Aquarium, is not a water-based ethnic, aquatic woman, is not particularly beautiful? ”Aquarium, is a singing and dancing, folk customs of the nation, but also a hard-working, brave, with a long history and culture of the nation. Many of my friends may, as the name implies, think that an aquarium is a nation of water. In fact, the name of the aquarium is derived from the transliteration “睢” of a water language (what the locals call it). Aquarium, now about 40 million people, of which more than 200,000 live in Sandu County, Guizhou Province. As early as September 11, 1956, the 37th meeting of the State Council set Sandu as the only Sandou Shui Autonomous County in China. The aquarium is one of the 21 ethnic groups in our country, both in its own national language and in its own national language. Aqua people in generations of production and living practices, and create a brilliant aquarium culture. Has its own national language - water language, now it is still a tool for the exchange of ideas of the aquarium; her magic full of ancient Aquarium and its use of aquatic words written in water known as the “Chinese hieroglyphs living fossils ”.
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