卢启文是美国哈怫大学的一位专门研究管理学的博士。为了撰写一篇关于中国联想集团的论文,他委托时任联想公关部总经理的陈惠湘代为约请十位联想创业时期的员工进行访谈。陈惠湘按卢启文开列的名单打电话,结果发现半数以上的人因患有各种疾病而无法与卢博士见面。 “我心里感慨良多,这就是联想。联想人把他们的全部都给了这个企业,因此解释联想的成功似乎就无需太多的理由。”这是
Lu Qiwen is a Ph.D. student in management science at Hate University. In order to compose a paper about China’s Lenovo Group, he commissioned Chen Huixiang, then General Manager of Lenovo’s Public Relations Department, to submit interviews with ten Lenovo’s startup employees. According to Lu Huiwen’s list, Chen Huixiang found that more than half of the people were unable to meet Dr. Lu because of various diseases. “I feel a lot of emotion in my heart. This is Lenovo. Lenovo people gave all of them to this company, so it seems that there is no need for too much reason to explain Lenovo’s success.”