|编辑同志: 今年春汛开始,吕泗渔场生产秩序比较混乱.一则由于风多、雾多,各种作业渔船的生产工具容易损坏;二则一些流动作业渔船故意损伤定置作业船的生产工具,割网衣、砸坛子;还有少数人竟动手偷窃他人网具;也有打架斗殴、随意扣船扣人等情况.据如东县东凌渔业公社反映:该队一二零五号船在火星沙南海域进行流网生产作业时,被另一条渔船割去流网十七条,发觉后,追赶未及;还有该社一三零五号船进行流网作业,遇上大雾,竟有人以大雾作掩护,偷割去该船七十多条流网.同时,定置作
Editor’s Comrade: Beginning of this year’s flood season, the production order of fishing grounds in Lvsi County is rather chaotic. One is that production tools for fishing boats of various kinds are easily damaged due to the wind, fog and many other fishing vessels. Some fishing vessels on the other hand are deliberately damaging the production tools for fixed- Cut nets, smashing jars; there are a few people actually hands-on theft of other nets; also fights brawl, arbitrarily detained deduction, etc. According to Rudong Dongling Fisheries Corps: The team on May 20 ship Mars In Shanan area, when it was used for stream net production, it was cut off by another fishing vessel for 17 networks. After it was discovered, it was catching up. It also carried out a network operation by its No.305 ship and encountered heavy fog. Someone used a fog as a cover to steal more than seventy networks of the ship