Footy Rules in China

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dbsoldier
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One glance across the sports ground, and you could be mistaken for thinking you were watching any old football team training in Australia. The differ- ence is, the ground is at Nankai University in central Tianjin, all the players are Chinese, and the result from this training session is more important than a regular, relaxed kick and laugh. One glance across the sports ground, and you could be mistaken for thinking you were watching any old football team training in Australia. The differ- ence is, the ground is at Nankai University in central Tianjin, all the players are Chinese, and the result from this training session is more important than a regular, relaxed kick and laugh.
拟声词不但是一种构词法.并且是修辞的一种手段。在翻译时如果应用得当,可夸张印象.增加声势、动态的描绘效果,有助于译文表达能力的提高。 Onomatopoeia is not only a word fo
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走进吕桦的房间,首先映入眼帘的是满屋子的奇石。这些石头是吕桦人生路上挥之不去的情结,正如他家客厅墙上挂着的“石人合一”几个大字一样,他已和石头融为一体了。 Into Lu
辛亥革命后溥仪退位,因日不敷出,靠典当度日。1924年春,盐业银行把一些逾期未能赎回的古玩进行封货拍卖。在这些货中,就有康熙年间的官窑瓷器。但这批官窑 Pu Yi abdicated