Two phase decision algorithm of replica allocation

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanfan001
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In distributed parallel server system, location and redundancy of replicas have great influence on availability and efficiency of the system. In order to improve availability and efficiency of the system, two phase decision algorithm of replica allocation is proposed. The algorithm which makes use of auto-regression model dynamically predicts the future count of READ and WRITE operation, and then determines location and redundancy of replicas by considering availability, CPU and bands of the network. The algorithm can not only ensure the requirement of availability, but also reduce the system resources consumed by all the operations in a great scale. Analysis and test show that communication complexity and time complexity of the algorithm satisfy O(n), resource optimizing scale increases with the increase of READ count. In distributed to server system, location and redundancy of replicas have great influence on system and availability; and two-phase decision algorithm of replica allocation is proposed. The algorithm which makes use of auto -regression model dynamically predicts the future count of READ and WRITE operation, and then defining location and redundancy of replicas by considering availability, CPU and bands of the network. The algorithm can not only ensure the requirement of availability, but also reduce the system resources Analysis and test show that communication complexity and time complexity of the algorithm satisfy O (n), resource optimizing scale increases with the increase of READ count.
高一第二学期期中考试结束,走过了高一年级的四分之三,学生们似乎少了一份激情,少了当初的那种积极,他们有些紧张又有些茫然,他们需要“加油”!我决定借期中表彰为他们鼓劲,助威!  “要来”的礼物  第一个奖项是“自主学习标兵”。我故意让靖第一个走向讲台。本次的表彰人人参与,获奖者要和颁奖者交换礼物,靖的颁奖者就是我。  在策划过程中,我本来想邀请他的父母来为他颁奖。靖总是怀疑自己不够优秀,“因为我父母
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我们都知道,一个人的努力,可以获得一定的成就;一个团队的努力,可以获得巨大的成就。团队协作行动,是我们在事业上获胜的关键。而要达到这一点,在于你的领导能力。那么,所谓领导能力是什么呢?怎样才能具备这样的能力呢?  市面上关于领导力的书不少,但是很多都是想当然地把用于战争与政治中的谋略,直接套用在领导力上,教导我们怎么去运用权术。而这些真的有效吗?答案是否定的。  上行下效,一个上司喜欢玩弄权术,下
第二次世界大战期间,列宁格勒市被德军围困长达三年之久,被围困的人们长期处于高度紧张、恐慌抑郁的情绪状态中,高血压的发病率大幅增高。调查发现,该市市民的高血压患病率从战前的4%上升到64%。  情绪是人们对客观事物和主观需求之间的态度体验和表达。人们无时无刻不生活在一定情绪状态中,情绪既是大脑的一种功能,又能反映和影响身体的健康状态。  人有四种基本的情绪:快乐、愤怒、恐惧和悲伤,还有由这些基本情绪