Study on Cerospora sojina Hara Toxin Resistance and It's Inheritance in Soybean

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayguo123
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Cerospora sojina Hara. toxin produced by mycelia of the pathogen can harm soybean plants. In this paper, 50 varieties and one resistant-susceptible combination were used to study the toxin resistance and it’s inheritance. Comparing the results from the field under different inoculation conditions, the average coincidence rate of the toxin test is 62.37%. The inheritance of resistance to the toxin of Race 7 of Cerospora soji- Cerifora sojina Hara. Toxin produced by mycelia of the pathogen can harm soybean plants. In this paper, 50 varieties and one resistant-susceptible combination were used to study the toxin resistance and it’s inheritance. Comparing the results from the field under different inoculation conditions, the average coincidence rate of the toxin test is 62.37%. The inheritance of resistance to the toxin of Race 7 of Cerospora soji-
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