Effects of Wind Fences on the Wind Environment around Jang Bogo Antarctic Research Station

来源 :Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libingyao2009
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This study investigated the flow characteristics altered by Jang Bogo Antarctic Research Station using computational fluid dynamics(CFD) modeling. The topography and buildings around Jang Bogo Station were constructed with computeraided-design data in the CFD model domain. We simulated 16 cases with different inflow directions, and compared the flow characteristics with and without Jang Bogo Station for each inflow direction. The wind data recorded by the site’s automatic weather station(AWS) were used for comparison. Wind rose analysis showed that the wind speed and direction after the construction of Jang Bogo Station were quite different from those before construction. We also investigated how virtual wind fences would modify the flow patterns, changing the distance of the fence from the station as well as the porosity of the fence. For westerly inflows, when the AWS was downwind of Jang Bogo Station, the decrease in wind speed was maximized(-81% for west-northwesterly). The wind speed reduction was also greater as the distance of the fence was closer to Jang Bogo Station. With the same distance, the fence with medium porosity(25%–33%) maximized the wind speed reduction.These results suggest that the location and material of the wind fence should be selected carefully, or AWS data should be interpreted cautiously, for particular prevailing wind directions. The study investigated the flow characteristics altered by Jang Bogo Antarctic Research Station using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. The topography and buildings around Jang Bogo Station were constructed with computeraided-design data in the CFD model domain. We simulated 16 cases with different inflow The wind data recorded by the site’s automatic weather station(AWS) were used for comparison. Wind rose analysis showed that the wind speed and direction after the construction of Jang Bogo Station were quite different from those before construction. We also analyzed how virtual wind fences would modify the flow patterns, changing the distance of the fence from the station as well as the porosity of the fence. For westerly inflows, when the AWS was Downwind of Jang Bogo Station, the decrease in wind speed was maximized(-81% for west-northwesterly). The wind sp Eed reduction was also greater as the distance of the fence was closer to Jang Bogo Station. With the same distance, the fence with medium porosity(25%–33%) maximized the wind speed reduction.These results suggest that the location and material of The wind fence should be selected carefully, or AWS data should be interpreted cautiously, for particular prevailing wind directions.
摘 要:物理教学要想从应试教育转变为素质教育,并实现二者之间的有效衔接,需将既往单纯性的学科教育向科学教育转变;而要想达此目的,除了要帮助、引导学生掌握丰富的物理知识外,还应提升其科学品质及应用能力,以此为推动学生素质的全面发展奠定坚实基础。本文结合当前实况,围绕物理教学,以强化实验教学为基础,从多方面探讨学生科学素质的培养策略,望能为此领域研究有所借鉴与帮助。  关键词:物理学;实验教学;科学素
1没有了电子手刹和自动驻车,启停系统只能依靠挂N挡拉手刹来解放右脚2 2651mm的轴距给后排带来宽裕的腿部空间  6年前的小型SUV市场曾经还是一片蓝海,6年后的今天却已经布满荆棘。设计与尺寸上的不按常理,方可换来进击的出其不意。摆在我们眼前的是一辆车头看起来很规矩的大众,车尾却又是一辆很不正经的大众。恰恰就是这一道贯穿左右尾灯的黑色装饰条,成为了探影在套娃家族中最与众不同的存在。  自从“就怕