眼睛奇特的鱼 一、“杨二郎”——3只眼睛的鱼 在美洲加勒比海生活着一种奇特的小鱼,它长着3只眼睛,中间的那只眼睛像一盏小探照灯,能够发出光亮,照亮1.5米左右的距离,如果这只发光眼生病或因其它原因不能发光,另外两只眼睛就会顶替它,轮流发光。二、“小电筒”——眼睛下有袋的鱼 也是在加勒比海的海底,生活着一种“电筒鱼”,长约15厘米,因为它长年累月生活在漆黑一团的海底,依靠双眼根本无法看清东西。为
Strange fish eyes, “Yang Jiro” - 3 eyes of the fish in the Americas caribbean living a strange fish, it has 3 eyes, the middle of the eyes like a small searchlight, can issue Bright, illuminate a distance of about 1.5 meters, if the glowing eye is ill or can not shine for other reasons, the other two eyes will replace it, turning glow. Second, the “small flashlight” - under the eyes bagged fish is also the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, living a “flashlight fish,” about 15 centimeters, because it for many years living in the dark mass of the sea, relying on the eyes simply can not See things. for