座落在湖北省襄阳县欧庙镇西大街繁华街段的“飘声收藏馆”是由共产党员、转业军人、离休干部周飘声创办的一座集收藏、展览、碑廊园地为一体的综合性家庭收藏展览馆。 该馆现已收藏有30个省、市、自治区和港、澳、台以及日本、美国等不同地区、不同民族、不同阶层、不同文字、不同书体流派的书法(诗、
Located in the prosperous section of West Street, Ou Miao Town, Xiangyang County, Hubei Province, the “Gone with the Wind” is a comprehensive family of collectors, exhibitions and tablet gallery founded by Zhou Pian-sheng, a communist, retired military and retired cadre. Collection Hall. The museum has now collected 30 calligraphy (poetry, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy and painting) from 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as Japan, the United States and other different regions, different nationalities,