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湖泊的辐射和能量收支的观测研究对于气象学和水文学研究都具有重要的意义。于2012年采用涡度相关系统和小气候观测系统观测太湖表面的辐射平衡、湖泊与大气之间的感热和潜热通量、水温廓线和常规气象要素数据,分析太湖表面辐射及能量收支的时间变化特征以及环境控制因子。结果表明:(1)太湖2012年辐射收支四分量(向下短波辐射、向上短波辐射、向下长波辐射和向上长波辐射)的年均值分别为146.5、9.4、359.7和405.4 W/m~2,反照率的年均值为0.06,各辐射分量日变化和季节变化特征明显;(2)净辐射和热储量日变化趋势相同,正午最高,午夜最低;湍流能量通量的日变化幅度较小;不同天气条件下能量分配具有一定差别:晴天条件下能量分配以潜热通量为主,阴天净辐射能量主要被水体吸收转换为热储量;(3)通过分析湍流能量通量与环境因子的相关性发现:感热通量变化最主要的相关因子是风速与湖–气界面温度差的乘积;风速与湖-气界面水汽压的乘积是潜热通量的主要驱动因子。本研究结果能为边界层气象学、全球能量和物质循环以及湖泊生态环境治理等研究提供理论基础和数据支持。 Observational studies of lake radiation and energy budget are of great significance to the study of meteorology and hydrology. In 2012, the surface of the Taihu Lake was observed using the eddy covariance system and the Microclimate Observing System to measure the radiation balance, the sensible and latent heat fluxes between the lake and the atmosphere, the water temperature profile and conventional meteorological data, and the surface radiation and energy budget of the Taihu Lake Time-varying characteristics and environmental control factors. The results show that: (1) The annual average of the four components of Taihu Lake (radiation shortwave radiation, upward shortwave radiation, downward longwave radiation and upward longwave radiation) in 2012 are 146.5, 9.4, 359.7 and 405.4 W / m ~ 2 respectively , And the annual average of albedo is 0.06. The diurnal and seasonal variation of each radiation component is obvious. (2) The diurnal variation trend of net radiation and heat storage is the same, the highest is at noon and the lowest is at midnight; the daily variation of turbulent energy flux is small; The energy distribution under different weather conditions has some differences: the energy distribution under sunny condition is mainly latent heat flux, and the net solar radiation energy is mainly absorbed by water body and converted into heat storage; (3) By analyzing the correlation between turbulent energy flux and environmental factors The most important correlation factor of the sensible heat flux is the product of the wind speed and the temperature difference between the lake and the air interface. The product of the wind speed and the vapor pressure at the lake-air interface is the main driving force of the latent heat flux. The results of this study can provide theoretical basis and data support for meteorological boundary layer, global energy and material circulation and lake ecological environment governance.
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