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  -The damned stand ready! 诅咒者就绪!
  - This is the hour of the scourge! 天罚的时代降临了!
  - Death shall cleanse the world! 死亡将清洗大地!
  - All I see is blackness... Oh, my hood’s down. 我见到无尽的黑暗…噢,我的头巾掉下来了。
   - Let blood drown the weak! 让血海淹没弱者吧!
  - My life for Aiur! Uh, I mean Nazul! Aiur万岁!啊,我指的是Ner ’zhul!
  - Would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? Page 246. 想知道永恒的幸福的秘密吗?翻到246页。
  - Once you head down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny! 一旦你步入黑暗,它会永恒支配你的命运!
  - [vs 英雄] I am sanctified! 我被净化了!
  - Death shall reign! 亡灵支配一切!
  - Fear the Reaper! 在死神面前颤抖吧!
  - Let life cease! 生命,终结吧!
  - Me eat dead people! 我吃死人!
  - Me scary! 我好怕怕哦!
  - Me eat brains! 我吃脑髓!
  - No guts, no glory! 不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀!
  地穴魔王 (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是“PitFiendDeath” 而不是“CryptFiend” )
  - The sleeper awakes! 沉睡者苏醒了!
  - Make your choice!请指示!
  - You rang? 你在召唤我吗?
  - I await. 待命。
  - [召唤Vile Insects] Rise! 起来吧!
  - By Narube! 以Narube的名义!
  - What’s done is done! 奉命行事!
  - The time is now! 是时候了!
  - What a tangled web we weave!我们编织的网多么缠绕!
  - Last week my top half was on the Discovery channel. 上星期我的上半身出现在《探索频道》
  - My ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! (注解: lol) 我吐丝的时候PP都肿起来了!
  - I like chicks that are into bandage! (注解: rofl!) 我喜欢绷带绑起来的小鸡 !
  - I’m stuck on bandages, cause bandages are stuck on me!我被绷带绑住了,因为我绑住了绷带! 攻击
  - [.vs 英雄] Fall before the scourge! 在天罚前倒下吧!
  - For the Spider Kingdom! 为了蜘蛛王国!
  - Be drained of life! 吸干你的生命!
  - You may feel a sting. 可能会有点疼.
  - 建造
  - The shadows beckon! 影子在召唤!
  - The dead shall serve! 死者服从于我!
  - The restless dead await! 无尽的死亡在等待!
  - What does the shadow will? 何为影之意愿?
  - This better be good! 这最好有用!
  - [尸体炸弹] Bloody corpses! 血之尸啊!(尸爆?早取消了啊)
  - [召唤骷髅] Awaken! 苏醒吧!
  - Intriguing! 有趣!
  - For the Lich King!为了巫妖王!
  - Let Darkness guide me! 黑暗,指引我吧!
  - As the shadow wills! 服从影之意愿!
  - Every man lives, not every man truely dies! 每个人都生存过,但不是每个人都会真正死去!
  - I love the dead... frequently! 我爱死尸……经常是!
  - I see undead people! 我看见亡灵啦
  - You smell something? Oh, it’s just the troops! 你闻到什么东西了吗?啊,这就是军队!
  - Right click for hot, undead action! 点右键观看亡灵热舞秀!
  - [.vs 英雄] They areall be mine in the end! 他们最终都将成为我的傀儡!
  - Die! 死吧!
  - Tremble before the scourge! 在天罚面前颤抖吧!
  - None shall survive! 杀无赦!
Fast food(快餐)是近些年来迅速兴起的一种服务业,它的发展也给语言带来了新发展。  最初,Fast food主要有两种:“热狗”(hot dog)和“汉堡包”(hamburger),热狗就是在小长条面包中间夹上红色的“小泥肠”(frankfurter),汉堡包是在蘸芝麻的小圆面包中间夹上压扁的煎牛肉丸子,当然有时还添上生菜叶儿、乳酪或其它调味品,如芥末等。据说以碎牛肉末煎成肉饼这一做法来自
[准备篇]   混搭,顾名思义,就是把各种不同的元素混合搭配在一起。但要怎样才是混得有型,搭得好看呢?混搭只需三计!    [Standby]   Matching, just as its name implies, means blending various elements together.Then, how to make it stylish and gorgeous? Only t
1. It’s a Smoke Free Area.  直译:它是个自由吸烟区。  意译:它是个无烟区。  2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map.  直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。  意译:莎士比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。  3. John would not come out of his shell and talk to others at
This is not a new game,but a never color-fadedgame.The player drives acarasa cycle racer, enjoying different places“at the full speed”. Time for each competition and the length are different from othe
The trend started with the popular yellow band, which is inscribed with "livestrong" and was set up by American cyclist Lance Armstrong to raise awareness of cancer.   美国自行车选手兰斯·阿姆斯特朗为了提高人们对癌症的认识,发起了印
Do you have a problem or some distress you want to chat? Have something to get off your chest? Write to me, your sister “Summer”.     Q:我是一名初二的女生,在和同学的交往中,我不敢和人对视,因为怕自己说错话,让别人听了不舒服。上课时,我不敢发言,老师让同学轮流上台
Do you have a problem or some distress you want to chat? Have something to get off your chest? Write to me, your sister “Summer”.     有难题或苦恼想跟人聊聊?想将积压心头的忧虑一吐为快?写信给我吧,你们的“夏天儿姐姐”。  To: szsxx@yahoo.com.c
Prometheus (普罗米修斯)was a Titan (巨人).In the war between Zeus(宙斯) and the giants(一个巨人种族) he had stood on the side of the new Olympiangods(奥林匹斯山神).Out of the clay(粘土) he made the first man,to whom Athena(
LONDON - Down in the mall, between the fast-food joint and the bagel(百吉饼) shop, a group of young people huddles(拥挤) in a flurry of baggy combat pants(短裤), skateboards(溜冰板), and slang. They size up a w
青少年过度肥胖 美中小学停卖可乐  “由于青少年过度肥胖已成为美国的严重问题,包括可口可乐和百事两大巨头在内的饮料生产商将在初中、小学停止销售含糖苏打汽水,在高中减少汽水的销售量,取而代之的是水、纯果汁和减肥饮料。  Because the teenage obesity (肥胖) is a serious problem in the US, Soft drink makers,includin