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中国有丰富多样的自然资源,为化学研究提供了条件。中国在“七五”、“八五”两个五年计划期间,均以超过上一个五年计划150%的投资率对化学工业连续进行投资,使中国的石油化工、煤化工、精细化工、基本化工原料等行业有了长足的发展。“九五”期间,由于中国经济与世界经济的并轨,化肥、农药、医药、石油化工等行业仍将持续得到快速发展。这些因素,无疑又为化学和化工学科的研究提供了机会,提出了挑战。 国家根据经济发展的需要和化学的发展趋势,在物理化学、有机化学、无机化学等主要领域建设了16个国家重点实验室,从而促进了中国在理论化学和实验方法、合成化学和反应化学以及生命和材料科学中的化学研究迅速发展。1995年国家组织专家对化学学科的国家重点实验室进行的全面评估,也充分说明了国家重点实验室不仅具有先进的仪器设备和人才优势,在近四年的运行当中,承担了国家大量的基础性研究课题,进行了广泛的国际国内学术交流,取得了一批高水平的研究成果。 China has a rich variety of natural resources and provides conditions for chemical research. During the five-year plans of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” and “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, China has continuously invested in the chemical industry with an investment rate exceeding 150% of the previous five-year plan, making China’s petrochemical, coal chemical, and fine chemical industries. Basic chemical raw materials and other industries have made great progress. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, due to the merging of the Chinese economy and the world economy, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and other industries will continue to develop rapidly. These factors undoubtedly provided opportunities for the study of chemistry and chemical engineering and presented challenges. The country has established 16 national key laboratories in major areas of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry in accordance with the needs of economic development and the development trend of chemistry, which has promoted China’s theoretical chemistry and experimental methods, synthetic chemistry, and reactive chemistry. Chemical research in life and materials science has developed rapidly. In 1995, a national organization expert conducted a comprehensive assessment of the State Key Laboratory of Chemistry, which also fully demonstrated that the State Key Laboratory not only possesses advanced equipment and personnel advantages, but also has undertaken a large number of national foundations in the past four years of operation. Sex research topics, conducted extensive international and domestic academic exchanges, and achieved a number of high-level research results.
日期:2004-06-03当前股价:10.12元52 周高/低价:11.09/6.57元总市值:66.06亿元流通市值:22.02亿元相对回报(%) ■烟台万华 ■上证指数业务增长率(%)■烟台万华 ■行业每股
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