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从’99金融展我们已经看到,很多厂家在尽可能地为行业用户提供 TotalSolution,而不满足于单一的产品。Sybase 也是如此,Sybase 给人最深刻的印象莫过于它的数据库,今天的 Sybase 更重视技术的集成,而不只于卖数据库了。如果您留心 Sybase 近四年的发展,您会看到 Sybase 的技术已经延伸到上网技术,商业智能,MobileComputing 等领域。1999年底 Sybase 在香港成立了亚洲方案中心,包罗万象地收集了Sybase 及其合作伙伴在各个行业的解决方案,希望以此更进一步贴近助用户。2000年初 Sybase 收购了Home Financial Network,并在4月初证券业落实《规范》与新一代综合业务系统技术研讨会上把 HFN 产品介绍给证券业。可见 Sybase 要在行业应用上下一番功夫,记者在证券业研讨会上采访了 Sybase 亚洲方案中心技术支援经理林少兴先生。 From the ’99 financial fair we have seen that many manufacturers are providing TotalSolution for industry users as much as possible, not satisfied with a single product. The same is true of Sybase. Sybase gives the most profound impression of its database. Today, Sybase pays more attention to technology integration, not just selling databases. If you pay attention to Sybase’s development in the past four years, you will see that Sybase’s technology has been extended to the Internet technology, business intelligence, MobileComputing and other fields. At the end of 1999, Sybase established the Asia Solution Center in Hong Kong to collect all solutions for Sybase and its partners in various industries. We hope to further help users. In early 2000, Sybase acquired Home Financial Network, and introduced the HFN products to the securities industry in the securities industry to implement the “Specifications” and the new generation of integrated business system technology seminars in early April. It can be seen that Sybase is making efforts in the industry. The reporter interviewed Mr. Lin Shaoxing, technical support manager of Sybase Asia Solutions Center, at the seminar on securities industry.
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