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7月中旬,各大公司的财政报告纷纷曝光,从挣钱的公司来看,一句话“特色=挣钱”,俗话说的好,一招先吃遍天。有特色的公司也就有了挣钱的本钱。虽然微软公司和竞争对手一样,正经历电脑软件销售的低潮,许多商业机构开始削减软件采购量。微软仍实现盈余,当季营收总计229.6亿美元,去年同期为197.5亿美元。微软财务长康诺斯表示,“亚洲地区的业务成长强劲,消费业务营收增长显著。”康诺斯表示,该公司在短期内仍对个人电脑业务的增长率表示关注。苹果电脑公司在销售额以两位数增长及毛利率提高的情况下,该公司第三财季盈馀增长了29%。不含一次性所得,该公司当季盈馀共计1.63亿美元。苹果电脑第二财季营收共计18亿美元,较去年同期增长17%。该公司在海外的销售额占总营收的46%。毛利率也从去年同期的27.4%,增长至29.8%、该公司在这一季度共销售102万套电脑产品,其中包括35万套PowerMac G4系统和45万套IMac系统,交货量增长了12%。硬盘与软件制造商Seagate Technology公司在四季度的销售额为15.5亿美元,15.5亿美元的销售额比上年同期16.4亿美元的销售额稍有下降。英特尔公司扣除与购并活动相关的成本后,第二财季净所得共计35亿美元,该公司当季销售额总计83亿美元,较去年同期的67亿美元增长23%。 In mid-July, the financial reports of major companies were revealed one after another. From the point of view of companies making money, the word “characteristic = earn money” is a good saying, and one move is all over the world. Unique companies also have the money to make money. Although Microsoft, like its competitors, is experiencing a slump in computer software sales, many commercial organizations have begun to cut software purchases. Microsoft still achieved a surplus, with total revenue of $22.96 billion in the quarter and $19.75 billion in the same period last year. Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Connors said, “The business growth in Asia is strong and revenue growth in consumer services is significant.” Connors said that the company is still concerned about the growth rate of the personal computer business in the short term. Apple Computer’s third-quarter profit rose by 29% in the case of double-digit sales and improved gross margins. Excluding one-time income, the company’s earnings for the quarter totaled US$163 million. Apple Computer’s second-quarter revenue totaled 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 17% over the same period last year. The company’s overseas sales accounted for 46% of total revenue. Gross profit margin also increased from 27.4% in the same period last year to 29.8%. The company sold 1.02 million computer products during the quarter, including 350,000 sets of PowerMac G4 systems and 450,000 sets of IMac systems, with an increase of 12 shipments. %. Seagate Technology, a hard drive and software manufacturer, had sales of $1.55 billion in the fourth quarter, and sales of $1.55 billion fell slightly from sales of $1.64 billion in the same period last year. After deducting the costs associated with mergers and acquisitions, Intel Corporation reported a net income of US$3.5 billion in the second quarter. The company’s quarterly sales totaled US$8.3 billion, an increase of 23% from US$6.7 billion in the same period last year.
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