Germany the most miserable nation in the European Union

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   Germans are the gloomiest people in Europe according to a major new study of the 27 nations in the European Union.
   The report, released by the European Commission, confirms what many Germans had themselves long suspected — they are masters of moaning.
   Asked if life would be better in 20 years time, just 20 percent of Germans could bring themselves to agree. In happy-go-lucky Estonia, which topped the chart, 78 percent of people look at the future through rose-tinted spectacles.
   “Estonian citizens were the most optimistic,”noted the report, which polled 25,000 people across the EU. “The Germans, on the other hand, were the least optimistic — only one in five expected that life in Germany would improve in the long-term.”
   Britons were revealed as a touch more sceptical about future prospects than the average European, 49 percent of whom think life will be worse in 20 years.The study focused on “quality of life” issues such as schooling and job prospects, age of retirement and whether people would be able to afford medical costs or even a reasonable place to live.
   It found that while new members of the EU, mostly from central and eastern Europe, were mostly of the view that life would get better and better, established members of the EU were almost all miserable. Of pre-2004 EU members only the Irish and the Swedes managed to look on the bright side of life.
   In fact, length of EU membership appears strongly related to a gloomy outlook. The six founder members of the EU occupy four of the five bottom spots on the future happiness chart, according the poll. While Germans are the most mired in despair, they are closely followed by the Belgians, the Luxembourgers and the French.
一)as作副词,表示程度,意为“同样地”。在“as…as…”,“not as/so…as…”结构中的第一个as是副词,第二个as 是连词,作“和/与……(不)一样”解。________  Jack is as tall as his father (is).杰克和他的父亲一样高。  He doesn’t speak English as/so fluently as you (do).他的英语说得
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一般而言,冠词与名词连用时,总是置于名词之前。如果名词有形容词修饰,冠词常放于形容词之前,但是有些情况比较特殊。下面试结合近年经典高考题来总结一下高中阶段易错的涉及到冠词的位置的用法。    一.不定冠词的位置  1.位于下列形容词之后:such,what,many,half,not,much等。例如  How did you make such a mistake? 你怎么会犯这样的错误?  W
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if是英语中出现频率很高的连词,并且它的用法也很多。学生感到很难掌握,为了让同学们更多更好地了解其用法及其语法功能。现结合教学中遇到的情况,予以归纳,以供参考。    一、if作为连词,引导条件状语从句,它表示的意思是“假如”“如果”等。在复合句中如果主句用将  来时,则if引导的状语从句用一般现在时。例如:  1. If itdoesn’train, we will go to the park