Unit2 English around the world课本要点精练

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  1.If you lose your way in the forest,you can use a c________to tell the directions.
  2.They tried to a________ him into joining them but he refused because he wanted to go hiking by himself.
  3.They are using h________to knock the nails into the chairs so that they can repair them.
  4.The boy l________ to his mother that he had flown from the roof.
  5.She knows a lot of Spanish words but p________them incorrectly.
  6.The railway________ (信号) showed that the train could pass.
  7.The young man has blue eyes,brown hair and________ (宽) shoulders.
  8.Can you tell me how much the two________(毛巾) are?
  9.Our________(政府) encourages people to plant more trees to make the world around us more beautiful.
  10.The international________ is headed towards peace.
  1.He is my best friend.He________ me________ his own brother.
  A.treats ;as B.treats ;upon
  C.look ;as D.regard ;like
  2.He is studying in America________,but he is not________ ,for he has made many
  good friends there.
  A.lonely ;lonely B.along ;alone
  C.alone ;lonely D.lonely ;alone
  3.In the school I have to share the bathroom ________ the other students.
  A.in B.with C.about D.of
  4.He________to us about his age in order to get the job.
  A.lied B.lies C.lay D.laid
  5.She said that she________reading the book by the end of this week.
  A.would try finishing
  B.would try to finish
  C.will try to finish
  D.had tried to finish
  6.I know nothing about the young lady________ she is from Beijing.
  A.except B.except for
  C.except that D.besides
  7.— How do you communicate________each________other?
  A.to;With B.with ;By
  C.to;By D.with;In
  8.With prices________up,it is difficult for him to make both ends________.
  A.gone;to meet B.go;meet
  C.going;meet D.to go ;meeting
  9.Tom is strong,________his brother is weak.
   A.when B.though C.however D.while
  10.The government intends to________a new technique to grow cotton.
  A.set up B.bring in
  C.come true D.use up
  11.— How long has the air temperature________________ so high?
  — Almost two weeks.
  A.become B.stayed
  C.turned D.changed
  12.— ________ to go to the theatre tonight________with me?
  — I’d love to,but I have to prepare my lessons for tomorrow.
  A.Why not B.Do you like
  C.Would you like D.Do you feel like
  13.It’s hard to imagine a large city without a policeman,but such was the________in London in the early 18th century.
  A.situation B.place
  C.position D.condition
  14.—Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for a
  —Oh,she is very________ about her clothes.
  A.special B.particular
  C.especial D.common
  15.Make yourself________ home and help yourself________anything that you’d like to eat.
  A.at;at B.to;to C.at;to D.to;at
  1.“Please don’t say anything about our conversation,” he said.
  2.“What did you talk about with grandfather?”she asked.
  3.“Follow your heart whenever you have to make a difficult decision.” he said.
  4.“Could you leave the room,please?” he asked my grandmother and my cousin.
  5.“Move your chair a little bit closer to the bed,” he said.
  1.Smith________ (在理解方面有困难) the man’s accent while he was talking to him.(difficulty)
  2.________(除了这些拼写方面的不同),written English is more or less the same in both British and American English.(except)
  3.English is the most widely spoken and used language in the world,so it is important to ________ (熟练掌握它).(knowledge)
  4.Businessmen and tourists often come to China________(但又不会说) Chinese.(without,able)
  5.________(随着越来越多的人用英语交流),it is good for us to learn it well.(with,
  6.The doctors tell us________(不要熬夜太晚),it does great harm to our health.(stay)
  7.________(怎么会发生) that you forgot to write your name on the test paper? (come)
  8.________(没有直截了当的答案) the question that British and American English have a lot of differences.(quick,answer)
  9.The get-together of the old classmates ________ (以……结束) the song of Auld
  Lang Syne.(end)
  10.For a long time the language in America ________ (保持原样) while the language in England changed.(stay)
  English is a language __1__ all around the world.The __2__of people in more than 42 countries speaks English.In __3__ more than 375 million people makes English their mother tongue.An __4__ number of people learn English as __5__ second language.__6__in the world children go to school to learn English.They learn English for five or six years at high school.In only fifty years,English has__7__ into a language most widely spoken and __8__ in the world.English is the__9__ language of most international organizations,international trade and tourism.With so many people __10__ in English every day,it will become more and more important to learn English.★
1.unless引导条件状语从句  【课文原句】You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim,and you should always wear a life jacket.  【经典考例】We won’t keep winning  games________we keep playing well.(NMET 2006 浙江卷 )
一、词语例解  1. intend vt. 1)想要;打算;计划  I intend to get there as soon as I can.我打算尽快赶到那里。  The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character 作者显然想读者同情主人公。  2) 意指  He hadn’t intended
一、单词拼写  根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1.What surprised us was that she was so fond of________ (古典的)music.  2.My father has________(比……活得长)all his brothers and sisters.  3.We can’t find the right direction
一、重点单词  1.honest  【考纲释义】adj.诚实的;正直的  【备考实例】________,I don’t think we have a chance of winning.  A.Be honestlyB.To be honestC.HonestyD.Being honest  【考点解析】句意:“说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的机会。”答案为B。to be honest意为“说实话”
一)as作副词,表示程度,意为“同样地”。在“as…as…”,“not as/so…as…”结构中的第一个as是副词,第二个as 是连词,作“和/与……(不)一样”解。________  Jack is as tall as his father (is).杰克和他的父亲一样高。  He doesn’t speak English as/so fluently as you (do).他的英语说得
1.so引起的倒装句。  【课文原句】Rock music is OK,and so is skiing.  【经典考例】  1.—My room gets very cold at night.  —________.  A.So is mineB.So mine is  C.So does mineD.So mine does  2.— Father,you promised!  — Well
1.I don’t enjoy singing ,nor do I like computers.(P 2)  【考点】:enjoy 的用法  【归纳] 1)enjoy接动名词作宾语;2)enjoy的意义“欣赏;享受”;3) 表示成功时用enjoy success 不用 win success.  【高考链接]  In this seaside resort,you can ________ th
一、重点单词  1.consider  【考纲释义】vt.考虑;照顾;认为  【备考实例】All the staff in our company are considering________ to the city center for the fashion show.(NMET 2007 上海春)  A.to go B.going  C.to have gone D.having gone
一般而言,冠词与名词连用时,总是置于名词之前。如果名词有形容词修饰,冠词常放于形容词之前,但是有些情况比较特殊。下面试结合近年经典高考题来总结一下高中阶段易错的涉及到冠词的位置的用法。    一.不定冠词的位置  1.位于下列形容词之后:such,what,many,half,not,much等。例如  How did you make such a mistake? 你怎么会犯这样的错误?  W
一、单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1.He was shaking with f_______as if he had seen a ghost.  2.The boy succeeded in r_______a drowning child.  3.The lecturer’s voice was s________ by the noises of