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几年来,在基层搞新闻报道工作,我有这样的体会:经常性工作的报道,大家都写,所以写起来不容易,上稿就更难.因此,我在写稿时,就十分注意,把别人未想、未写的那些看似平常、却很新鲜的点滴小事写出来,以小见大。这类稿上稿率较高。去年6月,我去李村乡大麻村住了两日。发现,每天傍晚供销社门前都聚满了做买卖的人,村民们可以随意挑选商品,十分便利。我联想到大麻村是河北省有名的富村,村办企业比较发达。大多数村民们都在厂子上班,赶集逛店的时间少,而这自发的乡村夜市给村民带 In the past few years, at the grassroots level, I had the impression that news reports were conducted at the grassroots level. The reports of regular work were written by everyone so it was harder to write and the last one was even more difficult. Therefore, when I was writing, I paid great attention. The others did not think, did not write those seemingly ordinary, but very fresh little things written out to see the big big. This type of manuscripts higher rate. Last June, I went to Lee Village Hemp Village for two days. Found that, every day in front of supply and marketing cooperatives are full of people doing business, the villagers are free to choose the goods, very convenient. I am reminded that cannabis village is a famous rich village in Hebei Province and its village-run enterprises are relatively developed. Most villagers work in the factory, leaving little time to go shopping. This spontaneous village night market gives the villagers
笔者从事编辑工作,对增强企业报的接近性略有所思,将其归纳为四个方面: 一是从群众中找“聚光点”。即从群众中去寻找反映领导机关意图的“聚光点”,去发现贯彻落实领导机关
茶树是我国广为种植的多年生经济作物,有着悠久的栽培历史和较高的经济价值。栽培茶树旨在收获量多质优的幼嫩新梢作为茶叶产品的加工原料,茶树萌发的早迟对茶叶生产企业的经济效益具有直接影响,运用内源激素调控茶树生长发育,是一项有效开发良种遗传潜力,提高茶树生产力的重要技术资源。 本研究选用湖南农业大学品种园16年生的自选6号、福鼎大白茶、槠叶齐、政和大白茶和宛田五个无性系品种作为供试品种,采取上年秋
初学采访,心中无数,迫切需要总结经验,每次采访回来,不管成败,总要写一点札记,以为“前车之鉴”。我把札记中一些片断重新整理一下,发表在这里。 Beginner’s interview, c