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经过近13年的艰苦谈判,在即将跨入新的千年之时,中美两国政府签署了关于中国加入世界贸易组织的双边协议。这将有助于加快中国“入世”的进程,有利于中美经贸合作的全面发展,并将为世界经济的发展与繁荣注入新的动力。对于协议的签署,中美两国领导人给予了高度评价,认为这是一项双赢或三赢的协议,即对于中美及世界经济发展都是有利的。中国的谈判代表龙永图在接受媒体采访时认为,中国加入世贸的意义有如中国恢复联合国安理会常任理事国合法席位的意义:一个是在政治的领域;一个是在经济的领域。加入世贸,中国将能够代表发展中国家在建设国际经济新秩序方面发挥更大的作用,在即将开展的国际贸易谈判回合中建立更公平对待发展中国家的贸易规则。龙永图还谈到,中国经济发展到今天的规模,已经无法再在世界经济中扮演小贩的角色,只能在遵守市场游戏规则的前提下,换取更大的铺位。不加入到全面经济竞争的队伍当中去,中国企业感 After nearly 13 years of hard negotiations, at the imminent entry of a new millennium, the two governments signed a bilateral agreement on China’s accession to the World Trade Organization. This will help accelerate the process of China’s accession to the WTO, be conducive to the all-round development of China-US economic and trade cooperation and will inject new impetus into the development and prosperity of the world economy. As to the signing of the agreement, the leaders of China and the United States highly valued it as a win-win or win-win agreement that is beneficial to the economic development of China, the United States and the rest of the world. China’s negotiator Long Yongtu said in an interview that China’s accession to the WTO is as meaningful as its return to the legitimate seat of the permanent members of the UN Security Council: one is in the political field and the other is in the economic field. With accession to the WTO, China will be able to play a greater role on behalf of developing countries in building a new international economic order and will establish more fair trade rules for developing countries in the forthcoming round of international trade negotiations. Long Yongtu also said that as China’s economy has reached its present size, it can no longer play the role of a hawker in the world economy and can only redeem larger shops under the premise of complying with market rules of the game. Not join the ranks of full-fledged economic competition, the sense of Chinese enterprises
内脏全反位就是指心、肺、肝、脾等胸腹腔内不成对的器官到它所在脏腑的对侧位置上。 1999年 10月 ,淮安市勺湖中心小学在学生体检中发现一名内脏全反位的学生。此次体检由淮
将多柔比星(ADM)纳米微粒(小粒径脂质体与毫微粒)与碘油制成乳剂经肝动脉栓塞治疗大鼠W256 肝癌模型。结果表明,与同剂量游离ADM 及生理盐水对照组相比,ADM 纳米微粒-碘油乳剂治疗组对肿瘤生长抑
目的了解邢台职工骨密度(BMD)情况及骨质疏松症(OP)患病率,为OP的防治提供依据。方法采用整群抽样,对2015年10月—2016年3月到邢台医院健康检查的1 125例职工进行左前臂远端1