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工业是我省国民经济的重要组成部分,是财政收入的主要来源。工业发展是拉动经济增长的主要动力,是增加城乡居民收入的重要渠道,对一、三产业具有很强的带动和提升作用,对实现富民强省、建设小康有重要作用,所以各级领导对工业发展十分关注。为了使各级领导能更好指导工业经济运行,促进工业经济持续、健康、快速发展,加快我省工业化进程,了解一些有关工业统计方面的知识很有必要。下面我把工业统计的基本知识分三个方面作一些介绍。工业增加值计算方法一、工业增加值的概念及计算方法工业增加值是工业企业生产产品或提供劳务过程中新增加的价值,是总产出与中间投入之间的差额,是国内生产总值的重要组成部分。 Industry is an important part of our national economy and the main source of fiscal revenue. Industrial development is the main driving force for stimulating economic growth. It is an important channel for increasing the income of urban and rural residents. It has a strong driving and upgrading effect on the primary and tertiary industries, and plays an important role in realizing a strong province and building a well-off society. Therefore, leaders at all levels are Industrial development is very concerned. In order to enable leaders at all levels to better guide the operation of the industrial economy, promote the sustained, healthy and rapid development of the industrial economy, and accelerate the industrialization process in our province, it is necessary to understand some of the knowledge concerning industrial statistics. Here I introduce the basic knowledge of industrial statistics in three aspects. Industrial added value calculation method 1. Concept and calculation method of industrial added value Industrial added value is a newly added value in the process of industrial product production or labor service provision. It is the difference between total output and intermediate input, and is the gross domestic product. important parts of.
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