Effect of Yiqitongyanghuatan Recipe on Experimental Atherosclerosis in Rabbits

来源 :Journal of Tongji Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangzb5
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In order to investigate the roles of Yiqitongyanghuatan (YQTYHT) recipe in reducing the levels of serum cholesterol and plasma lipid peroxidation(LPO), platelet aggregation function (PAgF) and platelet adhesion function (PAdF), the area of atherosclerotic plague coverage in aorta and the thickness of plague, 32 male Japanese white rabbits were divided into 4 groups. The results showed that the YQTYHT recipe could significantly lower the levels of serum cholesterol and tryglyceride, plasma LPO, and PAgF and PadF. The area of atherosclerotic plague coverage in aorta and the thickness of plague in the YQTYHT fed rabbits were decreased as compared with that in the high cholesterol fed rabbits. The above roles might contribute to the main mechanism of YQTYHT against atherosclerosis. In order to investigate the roles of Yiqitongyanghuatan (YQTYHT) recipe in reducing the levels of serum cholesterol and plasma lipid peroxidation (LPO), platelet aggregation function (PAgF) and platelet adhesion function (PAdF), the area of ​​atherosclerotic plague coverage in aorta and the thickness of plague, 32 male Japanese white rabbits were divided into 4 groups. The results showed that the YQTYHT recipe could significantly lower the levels of serum cholesterol and tryglyceride, plasma LPO, and PAgF and PadF. The area of ​​atherosclerotic plague coverage in aorta and the thickness of plague in the YQTYHT fed rabbits were decreased as compared with that in the high cholesterol fed rabbits. The above roles might contribute to the main mechanism of YQTYHT against atherosclerosis.
有这样两粒纽扣,一粒在上衣的前襟上,一粒在袖口上,然而他们相爱了。 他们的相遇纯属一次偶然。有一天晚上,他们的主人醉醺醺地回了家,随意把上衣往沙发上一丢,一只袖管正好
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