
来源 :海峡预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisbye
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[目的]掌握龙岩市传染病的流行特征,更好地制定控制规划。[方法]对龙岩市2004—2008年网络报告的疫情资料进行综合分析、描述。[结果]龙岩市传染病年均发病率258.10/10万,报告发病率居前5位的为病毒性肝炎、肺结核、梅毒、淋病、痢疾;春季发病率略高;发病年龄以青壮年和5岁以下儿童为主(49.0%与7.1%);职业以农民、学生为主(44.1%、8.4%);病种以血源及性传播传染病为主、其次为呼吸道传染病,分别占53.1%、33.0%。[结论]网络直报提高传染病报告质量,有利于传染病疫情管理;计免5苗疾病的发病率较低(2.57/10万);5岁以下儿童中其它感染性腹泻、菌痢占66.7%;制定针对流动儿童、小于8月龄的非接种对象和成年人麻疹免疫对策,以利消除麻疹;加大对托幼机构、学校传染病疫情监控力度,更好地控制疫情和突发公共卫生事件;建议统一规范肺结核和乙肝的诊断、报告标准。 [Objective] To grasp the epidemic characteristics of infectious diseases in Longyan and to make better control plan. [Method] A comprehensive analysis and description of epidemic data of Longyan City from 2004 to 2008 was reported. [Results] The annual incidence rate of infectious diseases in Longyan was 258.10 / 100,000. The top 5 reported cases were viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea and dysentery. The incidence in spring was slightly higher. The incidence of disease was higher in young adults and 5 (49.0% and 7.1%). Occupation was dominated by farmers and students (44.1% and 8.4% respectively). The main diseases were blood-borne and sexually transmitted diseases, followed by respiratory diseases, accounting for 53.1% %, 33.0%. [Conclusion] The network direct report to improve the quality of infectious disease reporting is conducive to infectious disease outbreak management; 5 vaccine-free disease incidence rate is low (2.57 / 100,000); children under 5 years of age other infectious diarrhea, bacillary dysentery accounted for 66.7 %; To develop for migrant children, less than 8 months of age non-vaccinated and adult measles immunization strategies to facilitate the elimination of measles; increase nurseries, school infectious disease surveillance and control efforts to better control the outbreak and public outbreak Health events; it is recommended that a unified standard tuberculosis and hepatitis B diagnosis and reporting standards.
黄哲伦(Henry David Hwang)是美籍华裔文学史上最重要的剧作家之一。1988年,他凭借《蝴蝶君》(M. Butterfly)一剧夺得了托尼(Tony)奖,成为第一个获此殊荣的美国华裔剧作家。他得到了