青春芳龄 忌讳“白带”

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窗外飘着细雨,一羞羞涩涩的女孩被她妈妈推到我的桌边,我了凳子让女孩坐下,顺便翻开了诊簿。女儿一下红了脸,但在妈妈的鼓励下还是开了口:“我十八,还在念书,半月来月经不常,经白不断,眼差,食少,倦怠无力……”细而柔软的长发凌乱的披在弱肩上,面容憔悴,微泛白。看她青春芳龄被“白带”所困,我觉得有必要给同学们讲讲白带的防治。首先在了解白带的同时,应该知道什么叫带下,然带下,中医认为:“带下女子生而即有,津津常清,本非病也。”仲景之《金匮要略》云:“妇人之病,因虚积冷,受寒……此皆带脉受病矣,故曰带下。”为什么正值发育阶段,年届青春的少女会有白带呢?中医认为,本病是因外湿,内湿所致。然而病症的分型又要分脾虚,肾虚,湿热郁积等。一般认为这些女孩子的患病原因还要归述于寒湿,饮食,精神情绪,以及认病的观念几方面。寒食是怎 Floating out the window drizzle, a shy girl was pushed to my desk by her mother, and I let the girl sit down on the stool, by the way, opened the clinic book. My daughter looked red face, but encouraged by my mother still spoke: “I was eighteen, still studying, half a month to irregular menstruation, the white constant, eyesight, less food, fatigue, weakness. The soft, long hair clothed in weak shoulders, gaunt, slightly whitish. To see her young age was ”leucorrhea “ trapped, I think it is necessary to talk about the students leucorrhea prevention and treatment. First understand the leucorrhea at the same time, you should know what is brought under the belt, then take the Chinese medicine that: ”bring the woman born that, Jin Tianjin, the non-disease also.“ Zhong Jing’s ”Synopsis“ Cloud: ”The woman’s disease, due to the virtual plot cold, cold ... ... all with veins disease carry on, it said." Why is the positive developmental stage, young girls will have leucorrhea it? That the disease is due to wet, wet caused. However, the sub-type of illness have to points spleen, kidney, dampness and other heat. It is generally believed that the causes of these girls are also due to cold and humidity, diet, emotional, and cognitive aspects of the concept. Cold food is how
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有些人吃水果喜欢削皮,食用蔬菜只吃茎不吃叶。其实,这些被丢弃的蔬叶果皮,含有较丰富的营养成分,甚至还有药用价值!    学学兔子吃菜叶    西芹芹菜叶的某些营养成分远远高于芹菜茎。以西芹为例,每100克叶所含的蛋白质、脂肪、磷、胡萝卜素、铁和钙,都比等量的茎高。维生素A叶比茎高4倍。每日进食100克西芹叶,就能满足人体对维生素C的需要。  莴苣莴苣的营养成分主要在叶子,还含有一种芳香烃羟化酯,能