毛泽东读《三国演义》 我正在城楼观山景(下)

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“信止追兵”唱“空城”1936年2月20日,在毛泽东、彭德怀等同志的率领下,中国人民红军抗日先锋军渡过黄河,进行东征。东征的抗日先锋军转战于山西吕梁山地区,经两个月的战斗,消灭敌军约三个团,扩红近8000人,筹款40多万,巩固了陕北苏区根据地,使党的抗日救国的主张为更多的人们所接受。红军的胜利使国民党反动派坐不稳睡不安,十分恐慌。阎锡山向南京接二连三发电报,蒋介石派了十个师增援山西,阻挡红军向东发展,并企图截断红军退路,与阎锡山的主力部队形成钳击之势。1936年4月5日,中共中央为了顾全抗日救国的大局,表示我军“团结一致,共同抗日”的诚意,进一步扩大抗日民族统一战线;为了保存抗日力量,避免不利的决战,决定将“渡河东征,抗日反 On February 20, 1936, under the leadership of Comrades Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai, the Chinese People’s Red Army Anti-Japanese Pioneer Army crossed the Yellow River and marched eastward on February 20, 1936. The anti-Japanese vanguard of the Eastern Campaign fought in the Lüliangshan area of ​​Shanxi Province. After two months of fighting, the enemy troops were eliminated at about three missions, expanding nearly 3,000 people and raising more than 400,000 yuan to consolidate the base areas in the Soviet Area of ​​Northern Shaanxi. The idea of ​​resisting Japan and saving the nation is accepted by more people. The triumph of the Red Army made the Kuomintang reactionaries unstable and panic-ridden. Yan Xishan sent a telegram to Nanjing one after another, and Chiang Kai-shek sent ten divisions to reinforce Shanxi, blocking the development of the Red Army to the east and attempting to cut off the Red Army’s retreat and form a clampdown with the main force of Yan Xishan. On April 5, 1936, in order to take overall account of the overall situation of resisting Japan and saving the country, the CPC Central Committee expressed its sincerity in ”unity and common resistance to Japan“ and further expanded the anti-Japanese national united front. In order to preserve the anti-Japanese forces and avoid unfavorable decisive battle, ”Crossing the east of the river, anti-Japanese anti
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