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本省今冬明春进行完成与结束土地改革工作,为保障革命秩序及土地改革政策法令实施,应遵照中央人民政府政务院公布之人民法庭组织通则,建立各县人民法庭。人民法庭组织通则全文业经本府转发,仰切实研究,贯彻执行。兹特根据本省实际情况,对执行中应由本府规定各项,作如下规定:一、凡基本上业已完成土地分配,其任务为结束土地改革发展生产的老区,各县应调整充实司法干部,健全县人民法院,不另设人民法庭。凡于今冬明春实行土地改革之新区各县,均须根据人民法庭组织通则成立人民法庭。三十万人口以上之县,得视需要设立县人民法庭之分庭。不足三十万人口之县,如有设立分庭之必要时,需呈请专署批准,报省备案。二、县人民法庭及其分庭均应根据人民法庭组织通则遴选审判人员,组织审判委员会,正副审判长各一人,必须以县级得力干部充任。县人民法庭审判员暂定为五人至九人,分庭审判员暂定为三人至五人。审判员均须以坚决拥护土改,并能掌握政策之人员充任,并须报请专署审核批准,经专署统一训练后始得任职。三、县人民法庭或分庭所判决之死刑,没收财产,及五年以上之徒刑的批准权,本府授权予各该专置代省执行,死刑以专员命令执行之。(不属人民法庭受理之案件的批准权,仍照旧办法。)各专署对以上案件之审核批准,应慎重处理。如认为有必要时,得指示县人民法庭或分庭复审。在审理土改案件中如发现有关情节复杂之匪特案件应交国家检察机关与公安司法机关负责处理。县人民法庭或分庭判决案件,应遵照毛主席指示: The province will finish the work of land reform this winter and next spring, and in order to ensure the order of the revolutionary order and the implementation of the land reform policy, the People’s Tribunals of all counties should be established in accordance with the General Rules of the People’s Tribunal announced by the Central Government’s government office. People’s Tribunal General Organization of the full text of the industry forwarded by the house, Yang study, implement. Zitt according to the actual situation in our province, the implementation of the provisions should be provided by the government, as follows: First, where basically the land has been completed, the mandate to end the land reform and development of production of the old districts, counties should adjust and enrich judicial cadres, Sound County People’s Court, do not set up a people’s court. All counties in the new zone that implement land reform this winter and next spring must set up a people’s court in accordance with the General Rules of the People’s Tribunal. Counties with more than 300,000 inhabitants may set up chambers of county people’s courts as necessary. If the county has less than 300,000 population, if it is necessary to establish a chamber, it shall be submitted to the agency for approval and reported to the province for the record. 2. Both county people’s courts and their chambers shall, in accordance with the General Rules for the Organization of People’s Courts, select judges, organize judicial committees, and each of the presiding and presiding judge shall have one person at the county level competent cadres. Trial judges of the County People’s Court are tentatively set for five to nine members and Trial Chamber members tentatively numbered three to five. All judges must be accountable to those who resolutely support land reform and are able to grasp the policy. They must submit the report to the agency for examination and approval and obtain the appointment after unified training by the agency. Third, the county people’s court or chamber of death penalty, confiscation of property, and imprisonment of more than five years of power of approval, the government authorized to the implementation of the special province on behalf of the implementation of the death by commissioner order execution. (Non-approval of the case accepted by the People’s Court will still follow the same method.) All agency offices should handle with due care the examination and approval of the above cases. If it is deemed necessary, the County People’s Court or the Chambers may be instructed to review the matter. In the trial of land reform cases such as found in the case of complex bandit crime cases should be handed over to the state procuratorial organs and public security organs responsible for handling. County People’s Courts or Chambers judgment cases, should follow the instructions of Chairman Mao:
当一位妇女杀死她可恶的丈夫,这是报复?还是自卫?在美国,日益增长的同情心正在冲击着以往的立法标准。 When a woman kills her damn husband, is it revenge or self-defen
广西壮族自治区高级人民法院: 你院(86)民请字第4号《关于处理刘国柱、刘光辉与龙凤弟、霍路弟宅基纠纷的请示报告》收悉。 据报告称,双方讼争的宅基地原为刘国柱所有。一九
马光军用力将醉酒的刘某推倒在地,致其重伤的行为,本庭认为构成过失重伤罪,应负刑事责任。 首先,马光军用力一推的行为与被害人所受重伤存在着间接的偶然因果关系,这是马光
所有的儿童都享有他们所需要的一切来充分发挥他们的潜能,从而使他们的头脑、身体和情感得到健康的成长和发展。 所有的儿童都有权享受一个安全、快乐和健康的童年。 所有的