名品荟萃饕餮宴 高层解读新契机

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为期3天的“2011中国国际彩盒展”已经圆满落下帷幕,各参展商纷纷携带其明星产品精彩亮相,共同演绎了一场名品荟萃的饕餮盛宴。本届彩盒展首次移师北京,展会规模达2万平方米,有近300家企业展示了其创新产品与技术,不仅为彩盒设备和耗材供应商提供了进军北方市场的重要平台,而且铸造了彩盒包装印刷企业与供应商之间绝佳的合作贸易桥梁。“2011中国国际彩盒展”立足北方市场、辐射全国,是北方地区最大的包装印刷类行业盛会。本届展会云集了折叠纸盒、硬盒、塑胶盒,烟标、纸带等众多知名设备和耗材供应商,集中展现了彩盒包装的最新生产加工解决方案。如此精彩的彩盒盛宴,你是否已经亲临现场去切身感受过?在名品荟萃的各个展馆中,你是否看到了彩盒设备与耗材供应商们的参展亮点?倘若你错过了到现场的机会,对参展详情也无从得知,那么《今日印刷》在本期杂志力邀几位参展商的高层,在推介其参展亮点的同时解读彩盒包装行业发展的新契机。 The 3-day “2011 China International Color Box Show” has come to a successful conclusion. All the exhibitors have brought their celebrity products to great debut, and jointly performed a gluttonous feast of celebrities. This color box exhibition moved to Beijing for the first time. The scale of the exhibition reached 20,000 square meters. Nearly 300 enterprises demonstrated their innovative products and technologies. They not only provided an important platform for color box equipment and consumables suppliers to enter the northern market, but also foundry The color box packaging printing business and suppliers excellent cooperation between the trade bridge. “2011 China International Box Show ” based on the northern market, the radiation of the country, is the largest packaging printing industry event in the north. The exhibition gathered in the folding carton, hard box, plastic box, cigarette standard, tape and many other well-known equipment and supplies suppliers, focused on the boxed packaging of the latest production and processing solutions. Such a wonderful boxfed, you have come to experience the scene personally? In the famous pavilions, do you see the boxing equipment and supplies suppliers exhibitors highlights? If you missed the opportunity to the scene , The details of the exhibition is also unknown, then “today’s printing,” invited in this issue of the magazine several top executives, highlighting the highlights of their participation at the same time interpretation of the new opportunity for the development of color box packaging industry.
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