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跨国公司在世界经济中的作用越来越大。联合国《1992年世界投资报告》中的资料显示,到1990年底跨国公司在世界上已超过3.5万家,其海外子公司约15万家。1990年跨国公司对国外直接投资为2250亿美元,累计投资额达1.7万亿美元。1986~1990年,跨国公司对外直接投资的年均增长率为25%,高于同期全世界国民生产总值(GNP)年均增长率大约20多个百分点。跨国公司在国际技术经济领域中的作用也日趋增大,目前,控制了国际技术转让的70%、新工艺和新技术的80%以上。借鉴跨国公司高技术竞争的发展经验,将有助于我国跨国经营企业更积极地去参与国际高技术领域的竞争,从而提高我国的综合国际竞争力。 The role of transnational corporations in the world economy is growing. According to the information in the UN World Investment Report 1992, by the end of 1990, the number of transnational corporations in the world had exceeded 35,000, and their overseas subsidiaries were about 150,000. In 1990, foreign direct investment of foreign companies was 225 billion U.S. dollars, and the cumulative investment amounted to 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars. From 1986 to 1990, the average annual growth rate of outward direct investment of multinational corporations was 25%, which was higher than the average annual growth rate of the gross national product (GNP) of the world over the same period by more than 20 percentage points. The role of transnational corporations in the field of international technology and economy is also increasing day by day. Currently, more than 80% of international technology transfer is controlled, 70% of new technology and new technologies are controlled. Learning from the experience of multinational companies in the development of high-tech competition will help China’s transnational corporations to participate more actively in the international high-tech field competition and thus improve China’s overall international competitiveness.
(本稿未经本人审阅) 会议开得很好,基本上完成了会议开始时王副部长提出的三项任务:统一认识,明确目标,落实措施。同志们认为,根据航天系统改革开放的思路,经过努力,民品发
记者:黄秘书长您好。行业协会第一届理事会第二次(扩大)会议已经圆满结束,代表们对大会的两个主报告反应很好,认为大会是富有成效的。可以听听您的看法么? 黄恩奎秘书长:这
(本稿未经本人审阔) 这次会议如何开,应当按照刚才王副部长讲话提出的重点和要求,把会议开成一个统一思想的会,明确目标的会,落实措施的会。是进一步动员群众,解放思想,转变
0049亚太空间技术与应用合作联络委员会第一次会议 0049 Asia-Pacific Space Technology and Applications Cooperation Liaison Committee First Meeting