Valuable Experience

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OPENING the gate Vernon Berry walked through the littlegarden with a smile on his face and a large book in one hand.Long experience had taught him how to sell books to peoplewho did not want them.He had a fine,deep voice and couldtalk well.He could make people laugh.He was clean and well-dressed.He was one of those men that people like at once,andhe knew it.In short,he was a success.He rang the bell at the front door,which was opened after ashort delay by a young woman with an anxious face.He wassorry to see,from the absence of a ring on her hand,that she OPENING the gate Vernon Berry walked through the littlegarden with a smile on his face and a large book in one hand. Long experience had taught him how to sell books to peoplewho did not want them. He had a fine, deep voice and couldtalk well. He could make people laugh.He was clean and well-dressed. He was one of those men that people like at once, andhe knew it.In short. He was a success. He rang the bell at the front door, which was opened. after ashort delay by a young woman with an anxious face.He wassorry to see, from the absence of a ring on her hand, that she
That‘Monday morning feeling’could be a crushing pain in thechest which leaves you sweating andgasping for breath.Recent researchfrom Germany and Italy shows
最近,省委副书记白文华同志在汉中与地区歌剧团和宁强县剧团的领导同志进行了交谈。现纪要如下: 白文华同志在谈话中,对汉中地区歌剧团和宁强县剧团在以往工作中取得的成绩
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Before coming over to the US,I heard all kinds of storiesabout a hard life awaiting meover here.I had always known lifewouldn’t be easy for me since I hadto g
Today scientists use lasers both insurgery and to cut down onunnecessary surgery.~1 A laser is avery strong beam of light that is verydifferent from ordinary l