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“装饰”一词,早在18—19世纪已出现于西方,泛指艺术修饰。稍后出现了装饰艺术、装饰派艺术等词汇。而我国5—6世纪已有了装饰一词,指修饰、打扮。 距今维二万年前的北京周口店“山顶洞人”的“项链”便是我国先民的装饰物。他们将简单加工的钻孔砾石、兽牙、鱼骨、蛤壳等组合穿缀成串饰,佩其项间。有的鱼骨上还留下赤铁矿红颜色的痕迹,这是“山顶洞人”为死者撒上的赤铁矿粉,幻想着血液的恢复,呼唤失去的生命,是人类早期审美观念的体现。 最初的装饰纹样来自人类所创造的绳、席、篮、网等,用最原始的方法制做。如篮纹是粘土涂在溶器上烧制时留下的;绳纹是为了加固器壁捆扎拍打时留下的;席纹是陶器放在席上待干时印上的。这些装饰纹样与实用有关,而不是纯审美动机下产生的,因而装饰与实用是一体的、互补的。 The term “decoration”, which appeared in the West as early as the 18th and 19th centuries, refers to the art modification. Later appeared decorative arts, decorative art and other words. The fifth to sixth century in our country has been decorated, refers to the decoration, dress up. The “necklace” of “Top Cave People” in Zhoukoudian, Beijing 20,000 years ago, is the ornament of our ancestors. They will be simple processing of drilling gravel, animal teeth, fish bone, clam shells and other combinations of wear decorative string ornaments, Pei items. Some fish bones also leave traces of hematite red color. This is the hematite powder sprinkled on the dead by the “cave man”. It is a reflection of the early aesthetic concepts of human beings that the recovery of blood and the loss of life call for it . The first decorative pattern from the rope created by man, seats, baskets, nets, etc., with the most primitive method of making. For example, the basket pattern is left when the clay is coated on the dissolver; the jagged lines are left behind when the wall of the harder is tapped; the pattern is printed when the pottery is on the mat. These decorative patterns and practical, not purely aesthetic motivation generated, so decoration and practicality is one, complementary.
目的了解与掌握邯郸市邯山区居民营养健康状况。方法参照《中国居民营养与健康状况监测工作手册(2010年)》,对邯山区889人进行健康检查与实验室检测。采用SPSS 19.0软件进行