
来源 :珠江现代建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whisperings
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本文作者摘录了距今约2500万年~2250万年前史书记载的南盘江演变史,其中有两个需商榷的问题:一是南盘江流至邱北东至广西乐业入郁江;二是南盘江流至宜良的西南经滇池城(昆明市)。但经方先生考证了记载中的部分地名、河名,并对照当今的地图地名,说明上述两个问题是有误的。编者认为,这样的辨析史实是不够的,囚在漫长的地质运动变迁中,在两亿多年前,古地中海还淹没着今滇西、滇中、黔西和桂西大部分地区,即现今南盘江流域范围,约在7000万年前,因地壳结构、地层的错断、陷落,使昆明附近变为低洼的谷地,随后,地壳新构造强烈震荡使昆明一带地壳急剧上升,南盘江流域内地势也出现局部的间歇上升或断陷而形成高山峡谷或湖泊江河。经地质勘探证明,早先滇池水经过红河流入南海,由于地壳变动,使金沙江的支流螳螂河被迫向南并在海口河处接通滇池,而滇池流入红河的河牀被阻,于是滇池溯水“颠”入金沙江,随着地壳变动,南盘江河道更趋成型。时至距今2500万年前广西南宁以西的湖盆和东部的水系沟通,即南盘江与珠江的其他水系汇合往东流入南海。可见史书上记载上古时期的南盘江水系曾入滇池水和桂西的西洋江汇入郁江。欢迎广大关心珠江水系形成演变的地质史学等专家学者继续惠稿赐教,共同探讨。 The author excerpted about 25 million years ago ~ 22.5 million years ago, the history of Nanpanjiang recorded the evolution of history, there are two issues to be discussed: First, Nanpanjiang River flows from Qiu North East to Guangxi music industry into Yujiang; Second Nanpanjiang River flow to the southwest of Yiliang Dianchi City (Kunming). However, Mr. Fang researched some of the place names and river names in the records and compared the names of today’s maps. This shows that the above two problems are incorrect. In the opinion of the editor, such analysis of historical facts is not enough. During the long period of geological movement, the ancient Mediterranean Sea was still inundated with most of the present western Yunnan, central Yunnan, western Guangxi and western Guangxi areas, now more than 200 million years ago Nanpanjiang River basin range, about 70 million years ago, due to the crustal structure, stratum fault, fall, so that the vicinity of Kunming into low-lying valley, followed by strong crustal crustal tectonic rise so sharply that the crust in Kunming area, Basin also appeared in the territory of the local intermittent rise or fall and the formation of alpine valleys or lakes rivers. The geological exploration proves that earlier Dianchi Lake water flowed through the Red River into the South China Sea. As a result of the crustal movement, the Mantis River, a tributary of the Jinsha River, was forced southwards and connected to the Dianchi Lake at the mouth of the Haikou River. Water “Britain ” into the Jinsha River, with the changes in the crust, Nanpanjiang River more forming. When it reached 25 million years ago, the lake basin east of Nanning in Guangxi Province and eastern water system communication, that is, the convergence of other water systems in Nanpan River and Pearl River flowed into the South China Sea to the east. Can be seen in historical records of ancient Nanpanjiang River had Dianchi Lake water and western Guangxi into the Yujiang River. Welcome experts and scholars interested in the formation of the evolution of the Pearl River water system experts and scholars continue to benefit from the draft, to discuss.
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