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国资委成立后,国资改革分成了两个主战场,中央企业国资改革和地方国资改革。两年来,央企国资改革取得了坚实的基础,规范化的监管体系初步到位,央企的改制、重组基本走上了正确的轨道。但与此同时,由于各地社会条件和基础差异巨大,以及一些地方政府在一定程度上改革思路的混乱,对社会生活和社会稳定影响更为直接的地方国资改革一度步履维艰。尤其一些地方、一些企业在改制中特别是国有产权向管理层转让过程中,存在着许多损害国资改革的问题,类似四川地方电力、河南“包公祠”改制导致国资流失严重的现象,在近年来的地方国资改革中频频出现。国资委主任李荣融为本刊撰文指出,当前国资流失的根源归结有三:一是国有资产监管体系不健全、不完善,国有资产出资人不到位,保值增值的责任主体不明确;二是公司法人治理结构不完善,企业内部人控制现象比较普遍;三是国有企业改制和国有产权转让的法规规章不健全不完善。实践证明,要解决上述问题,必须从健全监管机制、完善相关法规入手,加强对国资监管的针对性,并使之制度化,以破解地方国资改革难题。 After the establishment of SASAC, the reform of state-owned assets was divided into two main battlefields, the reform of state-owned assets of central SOEs and the reform of local state-owned assets. In the past two years, the reform of state-owned assets by central SOEs has achieved a solid foundation. The standardized regulatory system has basically taken shape. The restructuring and reorganization of central SOEs have basically taken the right track. However, at the same time, local state-owned assets reform has been struggling with a more direct impact on social life and social stability due to the huge differences in social conditions and foundations in various places and the chaos of some local governments in reforming their thinking. In some places, in particular, some enterprises have encountered many problems that have damaged the reform of state-owned assets in the process of restructuring, especially the transfer of state-owned property rights to management. Similar to the phenomenon of the serious loss of state-owned assets caused by the restructuring of Sichuan’s local electric power and the “Baogongci” in Henan Province, Where the reform of state-owned assets appear frequently. Li Rongrong, director of SASAC, pointed out in this article that the root causes of the loss of state-owned assets are summarized as follows: First, the state-owned assets supervision and management system is not perfect and imperfect, the state-owned assets investors are not in place and the main body of responsibility for maintaining and increasing value is not clear; second, corporate governance The imperfect structure and the widespread inside control of enterprises. Third, the regulations and rules on the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and the transfer of state-owned property rights are not sound and imperfect. Practice has proved that in order to solve the above problems, we must start with sound regulatory mechanisms, improve relevant laws and regulations, and strengthen the targeting of state-owned assets supervision and institutionalization so as to solve the problems of local state-owned assets reform.
中国系统工程学会于 2 0 0 2年 1 1月 1日— 4日在云南大学召开了第十二届学术年会暨第六届全国会员代表大会。与会代表是来自全国各地的 2 0 0多名专家、学者、教授、院士。
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