军旅菜肴美 盛夏瓜果香

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瓤鱼冬瓜块主料:冬瓜650克,桂花鱼150克,潮州泡菜150克。配料:香菇50克,胡萝卜50克,红绿樱桃各15克。调料:精盐5克,鸡精粉5克,姜葱汁8克,高汤50克,绍酒5克,香油10克。制法:1、将冬瓜削皮洗净,切成棱形块,再用斜式小刀在冬瓜中间划出小棱形,并用半圆式齐戳刀将小棱形挖出,放姜、葱、盐腌30分钟。2、将桂花鱼杀好洗净,切成与冬瓜内部小棱形同宽的薄片,香菇、潮州泡菜照此做法,并与切好的桂花鱼一起入碗中,加入鸡精粉、盐、姜葱汁、绍酒少许,腌10分钟,胡萝卜刻成花,红绿樱桃切开待用。3、将腌好的鱼片、香菇片、泡菜片,按先鱼后香菇最后泡菜的顺序瓤入冬瓜块中,最后将瓤好的冬瓜块放入碟内,摆成梅花形。蒸12分钟取出,将切好的胡萝卜花围在碟子的周围,红绿樱桃按顺序放在胡萝卜花中央。4、炒锅洗净放入高汤,放盐、鸡精粉,勾芡、放香油,浇在蒸好的冬瓜面上即可。注:桂花鱼即鳜鱼。 Gurnard melon pieces Ingredients: 650 grams of melon, sweet-scented osmanthus fish 150 grams, 150 grams of Chaozhou pickles. Ingredients: 50 grams of mushrooms, carrots, 50 grams, 15 grams of red and green cherries. Seasoning: 5 grams of salt, chicken powder 5 grams, ginger juice 8 grams, 50 grams of soup, Shaoxing wine 5 grams, sesame oil 10 grams. Method: 1, Wash the melon peeled, cut into prismatic blocks, and then use oblique knife in the middle of the melon draw a small prismatic, and semi-circular Qi stamp knife will dig out a small prism, put ginger, onion, Salted for 30 minutes. 2, the sweet-scented osmanthus to kill, cut into small pieces with the same width inside the wax gourd slices, mushrooms, Chaozhou pickles this approach, and with the cut osmanthus fish into the bowl, add chicken powder, salt, ginger Onion juice, a little wine, marinate for 10 minutes, carrot carved into flowers, red and green cherries cut open for use. 3, the marinated fish fillet, mushroom slices, kimchi films, according to the first fish pickled mushrooms in the final order into the melon pieces, and finally a good melon pieces into the dish, placed into a plum-shaped. Steamed for 12 minutes to take out, the cut carrot flowers in the dish around the flowers, red and green cherries in order on the central carrot flower. 4, wok washed into the broth, put salt, chicken powder, thicken, put sesame oil, pour in a good steamed melon surface can. Note: sweet-scented osmanthus fish.
近几年来,使用中的四轮农用运输车中央传动齿轮早期磨损现象十分严重。经多次事故处理及大量使用调查,查明了早期磨损的几项主要原因,现与相应的预防措施一并介绍如下。 (1)
桔味面包 原料:凉馍头200克,浓缩桔汁100克,烹调油1000克(约耗75克),绵白糖200克,精面粉500克(约耗用100克)。 制作过程:①将凉馍去皮用刀切成1厘米见方、4厘米长的条;将桔
在当今西方社会,盛行着一个节日,它的隆重程度绝不亚于中国的春节,那就是圣诞节。其实,在西方社会还流传着一个与圣诞节极为相似的节日——圣·尼古拉节。 In today’s wes