
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buynewer1111
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Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of these two methods and focus on the analysis and management of the false-negative cases. Methods: Results of full field digital mammography (FFDM) and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) were obtained and analyzed from a consecutive of 102 women with palpable breast masses, results were correlated with the histopathological findings. Results: Of the 102 cases, malignancy was confirmed in 43 cases (42.16%) by final pathological examination, the sensitivity and specificity of cancer detection with FNA cytology was 90.7% (39/43) and 89.8% (53/59), re- spectively, the whole accuracy was 90.2% (92/102), with a positive predictive value of 86.7% (39/45) and a negative predictive value of 93.0% (53/57). FFDM gave a sensitivity of 88.4% (38/43), specificity of 83.1% (49/59), and whole accuracy 85.3% (87/102), the positive predictive value and negative predictive value was 79.2% (38/48) and 90.7% (49/54), respectively. All the FNAC-negative cancer cases were suggestive of malignancy by FFDM findings, however, the benign cases which present as equivocal finding by FNA cytology, could not be ruled out the presence of malignancy. Conclusion: FNAC and FFDM both are accurate, effective and economical diagnostic modalities, combined use of these two methods can reduced the misdiag- nosis rate of breast masses. Methods: Results of full field digital mammography (FFDM) and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) were obtained and analyzed from a consecutive of 102 women with palpable breast masses, results were correlated with the histopathological findings. Of the 102 cases, malignancy was confirmed in 43 cases (42.16%) by final pathological examination, the sensitivity and specificity of cancer detection with FNA cytology was 90.7 % (39/43) and 89.8% (53/59), re- spectively, the whole accuracy was 90.2% (92/102) with a positive predictive value of 86.7% (39/45) and a negative predictive value of 93.0% (53/57). FFDM gave a sensitivity of 88.4% (38/43), specificity of 83.1% (49/59), and whole accuracy of 85.3% (87/102), the positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 79.2% (38/48) and 90.7% (49/54), respectively. All the FNAC-negative cancer cases were suggestive of malignancy by FFDM findings, however, the benign cases which present as equivocal findings by FNA cytology, could not be ruled out the presence of malignancy. Conclusion: FNAC and FFDM both are accurate, effective and economical diagnostic modalities, combined use of these two methods can reduced the misdiag- nosis rate of breast masses.
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