
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengkg
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随着经济体制的转变和改革开放的深入,一些基层工作者急功近利,忽视党的实事求是的优良传统和作风,给党的工作造成损失,严重地影响了党在群众的威望,极大地挫伤了广大干部群众的积极性和创造性。其表现是:计划得多,落实得少;作文章多,办实事少;会议多,检查多,参观多,考察多,只讲形式,不重效果;争功近利,贪高求快,为了显示任期内「政绩」,不顾客观实际,下达高指标,「谎报军情」,只对上负责,不对下负责,上面一句话闻风而动,下面跑断腿漠然置之;见矛盾转交向上,评「先进」当仁不让,外出「考察」不放,等等。尽快解决这些一问题,对于落实十四届五中全会精神,加速改革开放的步伐至关重要。为此,笔者认为,应该从以下几个方面努力:一是要加强思想教育。要教育领导干部牢记为人民服务的宗旨,树立共产主义的世界观和人生观,克服当官做老爷的思想,强化 With the transformation of the economic system and the deepening of reform and opening up, some grassroots workers have gotten quick success and neglected the excellent traditions and work style of seeking truth from facts, which have caused losses to the party’s work. This has seriously affected the prestige of the party in the mass and greatly damaged the vast majority Cadres and the masses of the enthusiasm and creativity. The performance is: much planning, implementation is less; writing articles, less practical things; more meetings, more checks, more visits, more study, talk about the form, not the effect; fight for success, greedy fast, In order to show that during the tenure of office, regardless of the actual situation, he issued a high target and “lies to the military intelligence” only to be held responsible and not responsible. The above sentence ran in pedestrians. Advanced “doing my part to go out” inspection "and so on. Solving these problems as soon as possible is of crucial importance in implementing the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and accelerating the pace of reform and opening up. To this end, I believe that efforts should be made from the following aspects: First, to strengthen ideological education. We must educate leading cadres in keeping firmly with the aim of serving the people, establish a communist outlook on the world and outlook on life, overcome the idea of ​​being an official and master, and strengthen
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