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一初二学生学习《论雷峰塔的倒掉》这篇杂文,难度比较大。学生首先碰到的是文字障碍,课文中生字生词多,有些词很冷僻,有一些句子近乎文言句式。即使一些通俗的词,若不细加品尝,也会食而不知其味。这给学生的阅读造成了一定的困难。如“现在,他居然倒掉了,则普天之下的人民,其欣喜为何如?”一句中的文言虚词,如不理解,就难以读懂句子和领会作者造句的用心。“居然”一词,用得恰到好处,好在哪里呢?这些都是必须经过认真思考才能解决的难题。二是句子含意深。文章结尾,仅只“活该”二字,容量却很大。究竟谁“活该”?什么事“活该”?为什么“活该”?这一连串的问题,学生很感棘手。三是作者的立意不易揣摩。《论雷峰塔的倒掉》写于一九二四年十月,当时,中国正处在封建军阀统治时期。面对封建势力的垂死挣扎,鲁迅先生写了一些反封建主题的杂文。《论雷峰塔的倒掉》一文,借题发挥,针砭时弊。这一切由于和学生的生活和思想实际差距很远,因而读起来比较吃力。因此,根据课文的具体特点,我们把指导学生阅读这一课的教学设计的基点,放在基本读懂上。其它不作任何要求,力求教学目的单一。二读懂的关键是要释疑。过去,我们教学这课 The first two students studied the essay “On Leifeng Tower’s Disposal” and it was more difficult. The first thing the student encounters is a textual obstacle. There are many words and words in the text, some of them are very unsophisticated, and some sentences are close to classical Chinese. Even some popular words, if not tasted, will eat without knowing what they are. This has caused some difficulties for students’ reading. Such as “now, he actually fell, then the people of the whole world, why is it pleased?” If you do not understand the words and phrases in a sentence, it is difficult to read sentences and understand the author’s intentions. The word “actually” is used just right. Where is it? These are problems that must be resolved through careful thought. The second is deep meaning in sentences. At the end of the article, only the word “live” should be used, but the capacity is very large. Whoever “does it right?” What should be “living” and why “live”? This series of questions is very thorny for students. Third, the author’s intention is not easy to figure out. “Ledding the Leifeng Tower” was written in October 1924, when China was in the period of feudal warlords. In the face of the dying struggle of the feudal forces, Mr. Lu Xun wrote some essays against feudal themes. The article “On Lei Pagoda’s Disposal,” has been used as an issue, and it has caused disadvantages. All this is due to the fact that it is far from the student’s life and thoughts, and it is therefore more difficult to read. Therefore, according to the specific characteristics of the text, we put the basic points of instructional design for students in reading this class on basic reading and understanding. Others do not make any request for a single purpose of teaching. The key to second reading is to dispel doubts. In the past, we taught this lesson
<正> 写广告、公文、书信,乃至便条,都是文字工作。最近读了一本关于精神文明内容的文件汇编,300多页,读后觉得套话连篇.枯燥无味,八股气十足,没有留下什么印象。唯其中一篇
本文概述了英语中主动语态句与被动语态句之间的相互转换,以及需要避免的几个不能转换的问题。 This article summarizes the conversions between active and passive voic