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4月中旬,关晓彤以专业第一名的成绩被北京电影学院录取。令人惊讶的是,19岁的她已经在娱乐圈闯荡了14年,从出道至今已经演过近80部戏,被称为美女“戏骨”。有趣的是,很多人并不知道她爷爷就是北京琴书泰斗关学曾。他独创的北京琴书,已列入北京市级非物质文化遗产名录。他曾两次奔赴抗美援朝前线慰问演出;荣获中国曲艺终身成就奖。老爷子的一生,更是充满传奇色彩。在电影《有话好好说》中,三段琴书和情节配合得天衣无缝,效果出人意料。张艺谋惊叹:“关老的 In mid-April, Guan Xiaotong was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy with his first professional result. Surprisingly, 19-year-old she has battled the entertainment industry for 14 years, since debut has been played nearly 80 drama, known as the ”beauty“. Interestingly, many people do not know that her grandfather was a guinan book guard in Beijing. His original piano book in Beijing has been included in the Beijing municipal intangible cultural heritage list. He has twice rushed to the front of the Korean War condolences performance; won the China Quyi Lifetime Achievement Award. Father’s life, it is full of legendary. In the movie ”Have a Say Goodbye“, three sections of the piano and the plot with the perfect, the effect is unexpected. Zhang Yimou marveled: ”off the old
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耗时7年,音乐人郑钧把自己的故事放进了一部动画电影里。  电影名为《摇滚藏獒》,囊括了郑钧最熟悉的三个领域:摇滚乐、西藏文化和狗。最初,故事蓝本只是他为女儿讲述的睡前故事,绘成漫画后,一位投资人告诉他,这故事很适合电影化,甚至有日本著名动画公司想购买电影版权。  7年里,跨界成为电影制作人的郑钧在中美两国之间飞来飞去,将航空公司的会员卡飞成了终身白金卡。为了向好莱坞取经,他在那里成立了动画电影公司