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回城之路本田车转过弯后,洪原发现公路消失了。来时公路好好的,回去时公路为何神秘隐匿了呢?似乎刚经历过一场泼墨大雨,洪原在山那边欣赏油菜花,山这边雨什么时候落的,他却并不知道。眼前横亘着几丘水稻田,田未犁,被雨水浇灌后野草长得十分茂盛,有十几个年轻人在田野扯草,其中一个很像他,只是比他瘦得多,穿着那种粗布绿军装。田里一只瘦瘦蚂蟥叮上他的瘦腿猛猛地把自己吸得肥胖,旁边一个苗条 Honda car back to the city after the turn, Hongyuan found the road disappeared. When the road is good, why is the road hidden mysterious when it comes back? It seems that just experienced an ink-heavy rain, Hong Yuan in the mountains to enjoy the rape, the mountain when the rain fell, he did not know. There are several mounds of paddy fields lying in front of us and the fields are not plowed. After weeding by the rain, the weeds grow very luxuriantly. More than a dozen young people are dragging grass in the fields. One of them is like him, but much thinner than him. Green uniform. A thin leech in the field bites his stovepipe fiercely sucking himself fat, next to a slim
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我们应用红宝石激光对41例44眼主要是炎后虹膜粘连引起的继发性青光眼进行了治疗,总结如下。一、临床资料: 共治疗41人44眼,其中男23人,女18人。最大年龄80岁,最小7岁。右眼
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
参差扬扬格词试验(staggered spondaic word test,SSW test)是检查中枢听功能最常用的方法。检查时用40对扬扬格词,使一侧耳听到的第二个音节和另一侧耳听到的第一个音节重