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乡镇企业当前的发展机遇一方面是我省乡镇企业自身发展带来了机遇。首先,河北省乡镇企业1999年增速居沿海省份前列,高出全国平均水平3个百分点。全年乡镇企业实现营业收入6668亿元,比上年增长17%;二是规模骨干企业发展势头较好,营业收入500万元以上工业企业达到.3650家,比上年增加182家;三是固定资产投入保持了一定的规模。1999年总计投入269亿元,建成投产了一批投资大、技术含量高的项目;四是乡村集体企业产权制度改革进展顺利,改制面已达90%以上,基本实现了产权明晰、政企分开;五是企业管理和科技进步工作取得新的成绩。农村个体私营企业发展迅猛,企业总数新增7万个,从业人员增加60万人,已成为乡镇企业的主体和最具活力的增长点。 The current development opportunities of township and village enterprises on the one hand are the opportunities for the development of township enterprises in our province. First, Hebei’s township and township enterprises ranked first in the coastal provinces in 1999, which was 3 percentage points higher than the national average. In the whole year, township and village enterprises realized an operating income of 666.8 billion yuan, an increase of 17% over the previous year. Second, the development of large-scale and key enterprises was relatively good. Industrial enterprises with operating income of over 5 million yuan reached 3.650, an increase of 182 from the previous year; Investment in fixed assets has maintained a certain scale. Total investment was 26.9 billion yuan in 1999. A large number of projects with high investment and high technological content were completed and put into operation. Fourth, the reform of the property rights system of rural collective enterprises was progressing smoothly, with over 90% of reforms. The basic realization of clear property rights and the separation of government and enterprises. Fifth, new achievements have been made in business management and technological progress. The rapid development of individual and private enterprises in rural areas has increased the total number of companies by 70,000 and the number of employees by 600,000. It has become the mainstay of township and village enterprises and the most dynamic growth point.
城市规划领域分类索引: 01城市与区域发展02城市开发与土地经济03城市设计与详细规划04城市道路交通与基础设施05城市发展历史与遗产保护06城市社会、住房与社区发展07城市规
我们用甲酚醛氧化锌糊剂(简称FZ糊剂)治疗500颗慢性根尖周病的牙齿,疗效满意,报告如下: 资料与方法:1、FZ糊剂配方:成品甲酚醛液FC液、成品氧化锌粉ZnO,比例为4:6调成糊剂。
多生牙多发生在上颌切牙区,双尖牙区和后磨 牙区有时也可见到,多生1~2个牙者常见,多生3 个以上很少见,多个多生牙出现在腭部极罕见。现报道1例。 Multiple births occur in