Comparison of measurements and simulation results in 300mm CZ silicon crystal growth

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A special thermal modeling tool, CrysVUn, which was developed by Crystal Growth Laboratory (CGL) of Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Devices Technology in Erlangen of Germany, was used for numerical analysis of growth interface situation. The heat transportation, argon flow and melt convection have been considered. Cauchy’s first and second laws of motion have been the governing partial equations for stress calculation. The measurement results and simulation results were compared and the interface shape and thermal stress distribution during 300 mm Czochralski (CZ) silicon crystal growth with different growth rates were predicted. A special thermal modeling tool, CrysVUn, which was developed by Crystal Growth Laboratory (CGL) of Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Devices Technology in Erlangen of Germany, was used for numerical analysis of growth interface situation. The heat transportation, argon flow and melt The measurement results and the simulation results were compared and the interface shape and thermal stress distribution during 300 mm Czochralski (CZ) silicon crystal growth with different growth rates were predicted.
从理论与实际的结合上,论述成语“嫁接”式广告在传播商品信息方面的得与失. From the combination of theory and practice, it expounds the gains and losses of idioms
在河南省光山县城关镇文化街西侧一幢民宅里,约一个半世纪以前,住着一户崇尚习武的人家,男主人名叫邓功显,生于清道光五年(1825年)。他自幼习武,23岁进县衙当差,30岁当上了巡检(驻守距县城较远、险峻要地的武官),带兵把守关隘,维护一方安宁。36岁时回光山县城练武厅当上了教师爷,教授兵丁操练习武,深得士卒爱戴,人们尊称其为“邓公”。“邓公”于清光绪十七年(1891年)病故,终年66岁。  邓公膝下