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四、五、六月的上党笼罩着一层沉闷的空气,山西省长治市270多万人民,每晚7时都把目光集中在电视屏幕上在注视着北京的动态……作为长治日报社社长的马超骏,除每晚看电视新闻外,上班时间其大部分精力是在翻阅着首都各界、各省地市的报纸,注意着他们对北京事态的具体态度,纵观发现,有的激进,有的冷漠,有的观点明朗,有的模棱两可,严峻的局势使马超骏感受到,每家报纸都在这场大是大非面前接受着党性原则、政治立场的 In April, May and June, the Shangdang clouded a layer of dull air. Over 2.7 million people in Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, focused their attention on the TV screen at 7:00 every night watching the Beijing ... As the Changzhi Daily News Agency In addition to watching TV news every night, President Ma Chaojun devoted much of his energy during the working hours to reading through the newspapers in the capital and the prefectures and cities of cities and provinces and paying attention to their specific attitude toward the Beijing issue. Looking at the findings, some radical , Some were indifferent, others were clear-cut and some were ambiguous. The severe situation made Ma Chaojun feel that every newspaper was subjected to the principle of party spirit and political stand before this big issue
In this article,the author introduces the basic information and the historical development of document delivery and interlibrary loan services conducted by Chin
Based on the research of theories and practices related to quality evaluation of electronic services(e-services)from both home and abroad and through multiple r
桂政办发[2001]10号各地区行署,各地级市人民政府,柳铁,区直各委、办、厅、局:《广西壮族自治区新闻出版局(广西壮族自治区版权局)职能配置、内设机构和人员编制规定》 Gui
The paper analyzes the environments confronted with academic libraries and the evolving characteristics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University that give shape to the
本试验的目的是摸索山区大豆品种在平原区较高温度条件下种植的适宜密度,明确山区品种在平原区较高温度条件下对不同种植密良的产量反应及生物反应。 The purpose of this e
Based on the analysis of the existing ranking terminology or subject relevancy of documents methods through an intermediary collection as a catalyst (designated
This paper stipulates that the subject-based library liaison service to a university’s teaching and research programs with certain embedded distinctive feature
A large number of theoretical and empirical studies on citation behavior have been conducted inteationally.Although some theoretical studies on such topic have