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某复杂建筑高边坡紧邻深基坑,边坡采用锚喷支护结构和毛石挡土墙支护结构,基坑采用桩锚支护结构。在基坑开挖过程中,进行了变形和锚索轴力监测,重点对水平位移、深层土体位移及裂缝进行了监测。结果分析表明,桩锚支护结构能有效控制基坑变形,基坑呈倾覆破坏趋势,边坡呈滑动的破坏模式,且滑动面在不断扩展并形成新滑移体。降雨导致坡体易发生突发性变形,由降雨产生的边坡变形占总变形的比例可达50%以上;在支护结构全部锚索张拉锁定后,基坑开挖对坡体的变形影响较小。在边坡发生单次大变形后,软弱结构面以及岩土体的蠕变仍会形成较大坡体的变形。 The slope of a complex building is close to the deep foundation pit, and the side slope adopts the anchor and shotcrete support structure and the rock wool retaining wall support structure. The pile and anchor supporting structure is adopted for the foundation pit. During excavation of the foundation pit, the deformation and the axial force of anchor cable were monitored. The horizontal displacement, deep soil displacement and cracks were monitored. The results show that the pile-anchor supporting structure can effectively control the deformation of foundation pit, the foundation pit presents the tendency of overturning failure, and the slope is sliding failure mode, and the sliding surface is expanding and forming a new slip body. Rainfall causes the slope body to be prone to sudden deformation, and the slope deformation caused by rainfall can account for more than 50% of the total deformation. After all the anchor cables of the support structure are tensioned and locked, the deformation of the slope body Less affected. After a single major deformation of the slope, the weak structural plane and the creep of the rock mass will still form the deformation of the larger slope.
一天,突然接到一位已多年不见的中学同学从机场打来的电话,他告诉我这次来上海出差,想来看看我,顺便咨询一下他的 One day, I suddenly got a call from a high school clas
各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直有关委、办、厅、局: 根据省人民政府云政发[1990]204号文件提出的要求和省财政厅、省计委、省民委、省邮电局[1990]云财预字69号